
Michael Winter 5 years ago
parent 98ab8abe25
commit 1005b78488

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
\header {
title = \markup { \italic {Counterfeiting in Colonial Connecticut}}
composer = \markup \right-column {"michael winter" "(gatlinburg, tennessee; 2020)"}
composer = \markup \right-column {"michael winter" "(cdmx and gatlinburg, tennessee; 2020)"}
poet = "seed: xxx"
tagline = ""
@ -167,4 +167,4 @@

@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ finalizeSeqs = {arg initSeq;
modelReps = 16.collect({
//where in the descent will the repetitions occur
3 + 5.rand,
4 + 4.rand,
//length of repetition
15.rand + 5,
15.rand + 10,
//number of repetitions
5.rand + 5,
//probabilities for keeping a note in the repetition
@ -390,13 +390,15 @@ finalizeAccompLow = {arg guitarSeq, sectionSeq;
accompLowSeq = [accompLowSeq.slice(nil, 0), accompLowSeq.slice(nil, 1), accompLowSeq.slice(nil, 2).integrate].flop;
sectionSeq.collect({arg section;
sectionSeq.collect({arg section, secIndex;
if(section[1] == 1, {
var curTime = section[0];
var curTime, secLength;
curTime= section[0];
secLength = section[0] - sectionSeq[secIndex - 1][0];
accompLowSeq = accompLowSeq.add([62.midicps / 8, (62.midicps / 8) + 0, curTime]);
curTime = curTime - (50.rand + 50).round(4).asInteger;
curTime = curTime - (50.rand + 50).clip(0, (secLength / 3) - 5).round(4).asInteger;
accompLowSeq = accompLowSeq.add([64.midicps / 8, (64.midicps / 8) + 2, curTime]);
curTime = curTime - (50.rand + 50).round(4).asInteger;
curTime = curTime - (50.rand + 50).clip(0, (secLength / 3) - 5).round(4).asInteger;
accompLowSeq = accompLowSeq.add([65.midicps / 8, (65.midicps / 8) + 4, curTime]);
if(section[1] == -1, {
