
Michael Winter 5 years ago
parent 47a977698c
commit 50bd227fa2

@ -74,9 +74,11 @@
~play.set(\sel, ~currentSection % 2);
~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].play(~tempoClock, quant: 0);
if(~interludes && ((~currentSection % 4) == 3) && (~currentSection != (~sectionOrder.size - 1)), {
var freq1, freq2, tremRate;
freq1 = (50 + 7.rand2).midicps;
freq2 = (freq1.cpsmidi + 3.0.rand + 2).midicps;
var center, interval, freq1, freq2, tremRate;
center = 43 + 7.rand2;
interval = 3.0.rand + 2;
freq1 = (center + (interval / 2)).midicps;
freq2 = (center - (interval / 2)).midicps;
tremRate = 50 + 4.0.rand2;
~interludeTremelo.set(\gate, 1, \amp, 1, \freq1, freq1, \freq2, freq2, \tremRate, tremRate);
@ -151,9 +153,11 @@
~play.set(\sel, ~currentSection % 2);
~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].play(~tempoClock, quant: 0);
if(~interludes && ((~currentSection % 4) == 3) && (~currentSection != (~sectionOrder.size - 1)), {
var freq1, freq2, tremRate;
freq1 = (50 + 7.rand2).midicps;
freq2 = (freq1.cpsmidi + 3.0.rand + 2).midicps;
var center, interval, freq1, freq2, tremRate;
center = 43 + 7.rand2;
interval = 3.0.rand + 2;
freq1 = (center + (interval / 2)).midicps;
freq2 = (center - (interval / 2)).midicps;
tremRate = 50 + 4.0.rand2;
~interludeTremelo.set(\gate, 1, \amp, 1, \freq1, freq1, \freq2, freq2, \tremRate, tremRate);

@ -35,9 +35,11 @@ s.waitForBoot({
~play = Synth.new(\masterPlayerControl ++ ~hash);
var freq1, freq2, tremRate;
freq1 = (50 + 7.rand2).midicps;
freq2 = (freq1.cpsmidi + 3.0.rand + 2).midicps;
var center, interval, freq1, freq2, tremRate;
center = 43 + 7.rand2;
interval = 3.0.rand + 2;
freq1 = (center + (interval / 2)).midicps;
freq2 = (center - (interval / 2)).midicps;
tremRate = 50 + 4.0.rand2;
~interludeTremelo = Synth.new(\interludeTremelo ++ ~hash, [\freq1, freq1, \freq2, freq2, \tremRate, tremRate]);

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ genInitSeq = {arg seed = 20200525;
2.5 + 1.5.rand2,
//penulitmate position
6.collect({2.rand + 1}),
//probabilities for adjustment to position
//probabilities for adjustment to duration
3 + 1.0.rand2,
//probabilities for note durations
[5 + 2.0.rand2, 5 + 2.0.rand2, 5 + 2.0.rand2, 1],
@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ genInitSeq = {arg seed = 20200525;
//modelInitSeq[0][5] = [5, 5, 5, 1]; //call the stochastic police!
strings = (0..5);
state = 6.collect({[0, 1].wchoose([2, 1].normalizeSum)}); //fretted or not
lastStrings = [nil, nil];

@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ SynthDef(\accompBass ++ ~hash, {arg freq1 = 100, freq2 = 100, gate = 1, amp = 0.
//this is not releasing properly
SynthDef(\accompTreble ++ ~hash, {arg freq, gate = 1, sustain, amp, bus;
var treble;
//treble = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(sustain, amp * 0.1), gate, doneAction: 2));
treble = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0.3, 0, 0.7, amp * 0.05, \sine), gate, timeScale: sustain, doneAction: 2));
treble = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(0.3, 0, 0.7, amp * 0.075, \sine), gate, timeScale: sustain, doneAction: 2));
Out.ar(bus, treble)
@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ SynthDef(\interludeTremelo ++ ~hash, {arg gate = 0, amp = 1, freq1, freq2, tremR
sig = VarSaw.ar(freq, 0, 0.3, 0.1) * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, 0.1), tremeloTrig);
feedback = CombC.ar(sig, 0.2, tremRate.reciprocal, 5);
fade = feedback * EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(20, 1, 20), gate) * amp * 0.75;
fade = feedback * EnvGen.ar(Env.asr(15, 1, 15, \sine), gate) * amp * 0.75;
Out.ar(~interludeTremoloBus, fade);
