( //~~FUNCTION THAT GENERATES THE GUI ~generateGUI = { var win, clockStringFunc, metronomeStringFunc, metronomeColorFunc, masterView, faderView, tabs; var tabButtonReset, transportButton, mixerButton, startPos = 0; var partAbbr = ["guitar", "accompHigh", "accompLowLower", "accompLowUpper", "interlude"]; var trackNames = ["guitar", "high", "low 1", "low 2", "interlude"]; var partVols, partMutes, partPans; var masterMute, masterVol; // set initial mixer values partVols = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; partMutes = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; partPans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; masterMute = 1; masterVol = 1; // these funcs update the elements of the transport panel clockStringFunc = { arg measure, beat; var measureString, beatString, leadSpace; measureString = measure.asInteger.asString; beatString = beat.asInteger.asString; leadSpace = (3 - measureString.size).collect({" "}).join; leadSpace ++ measureString ++ "." ++ beatString }; // [-30, -105, -104].asAscii and [-30, -105, -113].asAscii are unicode inverse bullet and normal bullet, respectively metronomeStringFunc = { arg beat; if(beat == 1, {[-30, -105, -104].asAscii}, {[-30, -105, -113].asAscii}) }; metronomeColorFunc = { arg beat; if(beat == 1, {Color.red},{Color.black}) }; win = Window("Counterfeiting in Colonial Connecticut", Rect(500, 500, 1100, 500), false).front; masterView = { var view, generator, transport, ranSeed, order, sectionDisplay, clock, metronome; // this func updates the whole transport panel ~updateTransport = {arg measure, beat; clock.string = clockStringFunc.value(measure, beat); metronome.stringColor = metronomeColorFunc.value(beat); metronome.string = metronomeStringFunc.value(beat); }; // this func handles the movement between sections ~updateSection = {arg shift, stop = true, manualCall = true; var runThis; runThis = (manualCall || (manualCall.not && ~autoAdvance)); runThis = runThis && ((~currentSection + shift) < ~sectionOrder.size); runThis = runThis && (((~currentSection % 4) == 3) && ~interludes && manualCall.not).not; if(runThis, { var truncOnly, section, subSection; if(~isPlaying, { if(stop, { ~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].stop }) }); truncOnly = case {(~currentSection + shift) < 0} {true} {(shift < 0) && ~isPlaying} {true} {(shift < -1) && ((~currentSection % 4) > 0)} {true} {true} {false}; if(truncOnly.not, { ~currentSection = (~currentSection + shift).trunc(shift.abs); }, { ~currentSection = ~currentSection.trunc(shift.abs); }); section = ((~sectionOrder[~currentSection] / 4) + 1).asInteger; subSection = ((~sectionOrder[~currentSection] % 4) + 1).asInteger; sectionDisplay.string = "section: " ++ section.asString ++ "." ++ subSection.asString; if(~isPlaying, { ~play.set(\sel, ~currentSection % 2); ~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].play(quant: 0); if(~interludes && ((~currentSection % 4) == 3) && (~currentSection != (~sectionOrder.size - 1)), { ~droneFade.set(\gate, 1); ~dronePattern.play(quant: 0) }); if((~currentSection % 4) == 0, { ~droneFade.set(\gate, 0); }); if(((~currentSection % 4)) != 0 && ((~currentSection % 4) != 3), { ~droneFade.set(\gate, 0); ~dronePattern.stop }); }, { var measure, beat; measure = ~sectionStartMeasure[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]]; beat = 1; ~updateTransport.value(measure, beat); }); }); }; // these funcs receive messages from the synth OSCFunc({ arg msg, time; { var measure, beat; measure = msg[3]; beat = msg[4]; ~updateTransport.value(measure, beat) }.defer; },'/measureClock', s.addr); OSCFunc({ arg msg, time; {metronome.string = ""}.defer},'/measureClockReset', s.addr); view = View(win); generator = HLayout( ranSeed = TextField(view, Rect(10, 10, 10, 20)).string_("20200525"), Button(view).states_([["reset seed"]]).action_({ ranSeed.string = "20200525"}), Button(view).states_([["random seed"]]).action_({ ranSeed.string = 50000000.rand.asString}), Button(view).states_([["generate"]]).action_({~genAll.value(ranSeed.string.asInteger)}), Button(view).states_([["transcribe"]]).action_({~transcribe.value(~scoreData)}), [StaticText(view).string_(" "), stretch: 1], nil); transport = HLayout( Button(view).states_([["<<", Color.black]]).action_({arg pState; ~updateSection.value(-4)}), Button(view).states_([["<", Color.black]]).action_({arg pState; ~updateSection.value(-1)}), Button(view).states_([["play", Color.black], ["stop", Color.black, Color.grey]]).action_( {arg pState; if(pState.value == 0, { var measure, beat; ~isPlaying = false; ~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].stop; ~droneFade.set(\gate, 0); measure = ~sectionStartMeasure[~currentSection]; beat = 1; ~updateTransport.value(measure, beat); ~droneFade.set(\gate, 0); ~dronePattern.stop },{ ~isPlaying = true; ~play.set(\sel, ~currentSection % 2); ~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].play(quant: 0); if(~interludes && ((~currentSection % 4) == 3) && (~currentSection != (~sectionOrder.size - 1)), { ~droneFade.set(\gate, 1); ~dronePattern.play(quant: 0) }); }) } ), Button(view).states_([[">", Color.black]]).action_({arg pState; ~updateSection.value(1)}), Button(view).states_([[">>", Color.black]]).action_({arg pState; ~updateSection.value(4)}), nil, sectionDisplay = StaticText(win).string_("section: 1.1").font_(Font("Monaco", 70)), nil); view.layout_(HLayout( [VLayout( HLayout(clock = StaticText(win).string_(" 1.1").font_(Font("Monaco", 200)), StaticText(win).string_("|").font_(Font("Monaco", 200)), metronome = StaticText(win).string_([-30, -105, -104].asAscii).font_(Font("Monaco", 300)).stringColor_(Color.red)), nil, transport, nil, HLayout(Button(view).states_([["auto advance", Color.black], ["auto advance", Color.black, Color.grey]]).action_({ arg v; ~autoAdvance = if(v.value == 0, {false}, {true});~autoAdvance; }).value_(1), Button(view).states_([["interludes", Color.black], ["interludes", Color.black, Color.grey]]).action_({ arg v; ~interludes = if(v.value == 0, {false}, {true}) }), [StaticText(view).string_(" "), stretch: 1]), [StaticText(view).string_(" "), stretch: 1], HLayout( order = TextField(view).string_("1-4"), Button(view).states_([["set order"]]).action_({ ~patterns[~sectionOrder[~currentSection]].stop; ~sectionOrder = order.string.split($,).collect({arg secEntry; var bounds; bounds = secEntry.split($-).collect({arg item; item.asInteger - 1}); ((bounds.minItem)..(bounds.maxItem)).collect({arg sec; (sec.asInteger * 4) + [0, 1, 2, 3] }); }).flat; ~currentSection = 0; ~updateSection.value(0); }), [StaticText(view).string_(" "), stretch: 1]), [StaticText(view).string_(" "), stretch: 1], generator ), alignment: \top]))}; faderView = { var view, masterIndicators, trackIndicators, master, tracks; view = View(win); masterIndicators = {LevelIndicator()} ! 2; trackIndicators = {LevelIndicator()} ! 5; OSCFunc.new({arg msg; { {arg i; masterIndicators[i].value = msg[3 + i].ampdb.linlin(-40, 0, 0, 1)} ! 2}.defer}, '/masterLevels', s.addr); OSCFunc.new({arg msg; { {arg i; trackIndicators[i].value = msg[3 + i].ampdb.linlin(-40, 0, 0, 1)} ! 5}.defer}, '/trackLevels', s.addr); master = HLayout( VLayout( [HLayout( Slider(view).value_(0.8).action_( {arg v; masterVol = v.value * 1.25; ~play.set(\masterVol, masterVol)}), masterIndicators[0], masterIndicators[1]), stretch: 2], Button(view).states_([["mute", Color.black], ["mute", Color.black, Color.grey]]).action_( {arg v; masterMute = (1 - v.value).abs; ~play.set(\masterMute, masterMute)}), StaticText(view).string_(" master ").align_(\center) ), nil); tracks = {arg part; HLayout( VLayout( HLayout( Slider(view).value_(0.8).action_( {arg v; partVols[part] = v.value * 1.25; ~play.set(partAbbr[part] ++ "Vol", partVols[part])}), trackIndicators[part]), Button(view).states_([["mute", Color.black], ["mute", Color.black, Color.grey]]).action_( {arg v; partMutes[part] = (1 - v.value).abs; ~play.set(partAbbr[part] ++ "Mute", partMutes[part])}), StaticText(view).string_("pan").align_(\center), Knob(view).value_(0.5).action_( {arg v; partPans[part] = v.value * 2 - 1; ~play.set(partAbbr[part] ++ "Pan", partPans[part])}), StaticText(view).string_(trackNames[part]).align_(\center) ), nil) } ! 5; view.layout_(HLayout(master, nil, *tracks))}; tabButtonReset = {transportButton.value = 1; mixerButton.value = 1; }; win.layout = VLayout( HLayout( transportButton = Button().states_([["transport", Color.white, Color.grey], ["transport", Color.black]]).action_( {tabButtonReset.value; transportButton.value = 0; tabs.index = 0 }).value_(0), mixerButton = Button().states_([["mixer", Color.white, Color.grey], ["mixer", Color.black]]).action_( {tabButtonReset.value; mixerButton.value = 0; tabs.index = 1 }).value_(1)), tabs = StackLayout(masterView.value, faderView.value)); }; )