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69 lines
3.3 KiB
69 lines
3.3 KiB
6 years ago
module.exports = {
ArrayExpression: ['type', 'elements'],
ArrayPattern: ['type', 'elements'],
ArrowFunctionExpression: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'expression', 'async'],
AssignmentExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],
AssignmentPattern: ['type', 'left', 'right'],
AwaitExpression: ['type', 'argument'],
BinaryExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],
BlockStatement: ['type', 'body'],
BreakStatement: ['type', 'label'],
CallExpression: ['type', 'callee', 'arguments'],
CatchClause: ['type', 'param', 'guard', 'body'],
ClassBody: ['type', 'body'],
ClassDeclaration: ['type', 'id', 'superClass', 'body'],
ClassExpression: ['type', 'id', 'superClass', 'body'],
ConditionalExpression: ['type', 'test', 'consequent', 'alternate'],
ContinueStatement: ['type', 'label'],
DebuggerStatement: ['type'],
DoWhileStatement: ['type', 'body', 'test'],
EmptyStatement: ['type'],
ExportAllDeclaration: ['type', 'source'],
ExportDefaultDeclaration: ['type', 'declaration'],
ExportNamedDeclaration: ['type', 'declaration', 'specifiers', 'source'],
ExportSpecifier: ['type', 'exported', 'local'],
ExpressionStatement: ['type', 'expression'],
ForInStatement: ['type', 'left', 'right', 'body'],
ForOfStatement: ['type', 'left', 'right', 'body', 'await'],
ForStatement: ['type', 'init', 'test', 'update', 'body'],
FunctionDeclaration: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'async'],
FunctionExpression: ['type', 'id', 'params', 'body', 'generator', 'async'],
Identifier: ['type', 'name'],
IfStatement: ['type', 'test', 'consequent', 'alternate'],
ImportDeclaration: ['type', 'specifiers', 'source'],
ImportDefaultSpecifier: ['type', 'local'],
ImportNamespaceSpecifier: ['type', 'local'],
ImportSpecifier: ['type', 'imported', 'local'],
LabeledStatement: ['type', 'label', 'body'],
Literal: ['type', 'value', 'regex'],
LogicalExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'left', 'right'],
MemberExpression: ['type', 'object', 'property', 'computed'],
MetaProperty: ['type', 'meta', 'property'],
MethodDefinition: ['type', 'key', 'value', 'kind', 'computed', 'static'],
NewExpression: ['type', 'callee', 'arguments'],
ObjectExpression: ['type', 'properties'],
ObjectPattern: ['type', 'properties'],
Program: ['type', 'body', 'sourceType'],
Property: ['type', 'key', 'value', 'kind', 'method', 'shorthand', 'computed'],
RestElement: ['type', 'argument'],
ReturnStatement: ['type', 'argument'],
SequenceExpression: ['type', 'expressions'],
SpreadElement: ['type', 'argument'],
Super: ['type'],
SwitchCase: ['type', 'test', 'consequent'],
SwitchStatement: ['type', 'discriminant', 'cases', 'lexical'],
TaggedTemplateExpression: ['type', 'tag', 'quasi'],
TemplateElement: ['type', 'tail', 'value'],
TemplateLiteral: ['type', 'quasis', 'expressions'],
ThisExpression: ['type'],
ThrowStatement: ['type', 'argument'],
TryStatement: ['type', 'block', 'handler', 'finalizer'],
UnaryExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'prefix', 'argument'],
UpdateExpression: ['type', 'operator', 'argument', 'prefix'],
VariableDeclaration: ['type', 'declarations', 'kind'],
VariableDeclarator: ['type', 'id', 'init'],
WhileStatement: ['type', 'test', 'body'],
WithStatement: ['type', 'object', 'body'],
YieldExpression: ['type', 'argument', 'delegate']