You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
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<div class="bg-zinc-100 rounded-lg m-5 grid grid-cols-3 gap-10 bg-white divide-x divide-solid divide-black p-4">
<div class="px-5">
<p class="text-lg">pieces</p>
<div class="py-2 ml-3" v-for="item in works">
<p class="font-thin">{{ item.year }}</p>
<div class="leading-tight py-1 ml-3" v-for="work in">
<div class="grid grid-cols-[70%,30%] gap-1 font-thin">
<p class="italic text-sm">{{ work.title }}</p>
<div class="grid grid-cols-[28px_28px_28px_28px]">
<IconButton :visible="work.score" type="document" :work="work" :link="work.score"></IconButton>
<IconButton :visible="work.soundcloud_trackid" type="audio" :work="work"></IconButton>
<IconButton :visible="work.vimeo_trackid" type="video" :work="work"></IconButton>
<IconButton :visible="" type="image" :work="work"></IconButton>
<div class="px-5">
<p class="text-lg">writings</p>
<div class="leading-tight py-2 ml-3 text-sm" v-for="item in pubs">
<div class="grid grid-cols-[95%,5%] gap-1">
{{ item.entryTags.title }}
<div class="ml-4 text-[#7F7F7F]">
{{ }}
<span v-if=item.entryTags.booktitle>{{ item.entryTags.booktitle}}.&nbsp;</span>
<span v-if=item.entryTags.journal>{{item.entryTags.journal}}.&nbsp;</span>
<span v-if=item.entryTags.editor>editors {{item.entryTags.editor}}&nbsp;</span>
<span v-if=item.entryTags.volume>volume {{item.entryTags.volume}}.</span>
<span v-if=item.entryTags.publisher>{{item.entryTags.publisher}}.</span>
{{ item.entryTags.year }}.
<IconButton :visible=item.entryTags.howpublished type="document" :link="item.entryTags.howpublished" class="inline-flex p-1"></IconButton>
<div class="px-5">
<p class="text-lg">releases</p>
<div class="leading-tight py-4 ml-3 text-sm" v-for="item in releases">
<p class="text-center leading-tight py-2">{{ item.title }}</p>
<button @click="modalStore.setModalProps('image', 'aspect-auto', true, 'album_art', [{image_id: item.album_art_id}], '')">
<nuxt-img :src="'' + item.album_art_id + '/binary'"
<div class="flex place-content-center place-items-center">
<IconButton :visible="item.discogs_id" type="discogs" :link="'' + item.discogs_id"></IconButton>
<IconButton :visible="item.buy_link" type="buy" :link="item.buy_link"></IconButton>
<script setup>
import { useModalStore } from "@/stores/ModalStore"
const modalStore = useModalStore()
const groupBy = (x,f)=>x.reduce((a,b,i)=>((a[f(b,i,x)]||=[]).push(b),a),{});
const isValidUrl = urlString => {
var urlPattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?'+ // validate protocol
'((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|'+ // validate domain name
'((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))'+ // validate OR ip (v4) address
'(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*'+ // validate port and path
'(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?'+ // validate query string
'(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$','i'); // validate fragment locator
return !!urlPattern.test(urlString);
var pattern = /^((http|https|ftp):\/\/)/;
return pattern.test(urlString)
const { data: images } = await useFetch('')
const { data: works } = await useFetch('', {
transform: (works) => {
for (const work of works) {
work.score = "/scores/" + work.score
let image_ids = [];
for (const image of work.images){
image_ids.push(images.value.find(obj => {return obj.filename === image.filename})._id.$oid)
work.image_ids = image_ids
let gallery = [];
for (const image of work.images){
image_id: images.value.find(obj => {return obj.filename === image.filename})._id.$oid,
} = gallery
let res = groupBy(works, work => new Date($date).getFullYear())
res = Object.keys(res).map((year) => {
return {
works: res[year]
res.sort((a,b) => b.year - a.year)
return res
//const { data: pubs } = await useFetch('')
//const { data: pubs } = await useFetch('')
const { data: pubs } = await useFetch('', {
transform: (pubs) => {
for (const pub of pubs) {
if(pub.entryTags.howpublished && !(isValidUrl(pub.entryTags.howpublished))){
pub.entryTags.howpublished = "/pubs/" + pub.entryTags.howpublished
return pubs.sort((a,b) => {
let aPrime = 5000
let bPrime = 5000
if(a.entryTags.year === 'forthcoming'){aPrime = 5000} else {aPrime = a.entryTags.year}
if(b.entryTags.year === 'forthcoming'){bPrime = 5000} else {bPrime = b.entryTags.year}
return bPrime - aPrime
const { data: album_art } = await useFetch('')
const { data: releases } = await useFetch('', {
//lazy: true,
//server: false,
transform: (releases) => {
for (const release of releases) {
release.album_art_id = album_art.value.find(obj => {return obj.filename === release.album_art})._id.$oid
return releases
watch(releases, (response)=>{
for (const item of response) {
useFetch(`{"filename":"${item.album_art}"}`).then((response) => {
item.album_art_id =[0]._id.$oid
return response
}, {
//deep: true,
immediate: true