# require-precompiled [](https://travis-ci.org/jamestalmage/require-precompiled) [](https://coveralls.io/github/jamestalmage/require-precompiled?branch=master) > Require extension that allows for caching/precompiling ## Install ``` $ npm install --save require-precompiled ``` ## Usage ```js const installPrecompiler = require('require-precompiled'); const cache = require('my-cache-implementation'); installPrecompiler(filename => { if (cache.hasEntryFor(filename)) { return cache.getPrecompiledCode(filename); } // fall through to underlying extension chain; return null; }); // Any module required from this point on will be checked against the cache. const foo = require('some-module'); ``` ## API ### requirePrecompiled(callback) #### callback Type: `Function(string: filename)` Return `string` contents for a cache hit, or `null` for a miss. ## License MIT © [James Talmage](http://github.com/jamestalmage)