


  • {{email}}
  • {{phone}}
  • {{website}}
  • {{#each profiles}} {{username}} {{/each}}


My work often explores simple processes where dynamic systems, situations, and settings are defined through minimal graphic- and text-based scores that can be realized in a variety of ways. To me, everything we experience is computable. Given this digital philosophy, I acknowledge even my most open works as algorithmic; and, while not always apparent on the surface of any given piece, the considerations of computability and epistemology are integral to my practice. I often reconcile epistemological limits with artistic practicality by considering and addressing the limits of computation from a musical and experiential vantage point and by collaborating with other artists, mathematicians, and scientists in order to integrate objects, ideas, and texts from various domains as structural elements in my pieces.

I have performed across the Americas and Europe at venues ranging in size from small basements to large museums to outdoor public spaces (some examples of more well known festivals and venues include REDCAT, Los Angeles; the Ostrava Festival of New Music; Tsonami Arte Sonoro Festival, Valparaiso; the Huddersfield New Music Festival; and Umbral Sesiones at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Oaxaca). In 2008, I co-founded the wulf., a Los Angeles-based organization dedicated to experimental performance and art. As a laboratory and hub for exploring new ideas, the wulf. has become an experiment in alternative communities and economies. Similarly, my work subverts discriminatory conventions and hierarchies by exploring alternative forms of presentation and interaction.


A chronological performance history, scores, and recordings are available at <www.unboundedpress.org>.
All scores are also published or forthcoming through Frog Peak at <www.frogpeak.org/fpartists/fpwinter.html>.
{{#each resume.works}} {{#each this.works}}
{{#if @first}}
{{#each instrument_tags}}
{{/each}} {{#each events}}
   {{prettifyDayDate start_date}} - {{ venue.name }}; {{ venue.city }}, {{ venue.state }}
{{#if @first}}
{{prettifyYearDate date}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}
{{/each}} {{/each}}


{{#each resume.publications}}
{{entryTags.author}} {{#if entryTags.booktitle}}{{entryTags.booktitle}}. {{/if}} {{#if entryTags.journal}}{{entryTags.journal}}. {{/if}} {{#if entryTags.editor}}editors {{entryTags.editor}}{{/if}} {{#if entryTags.volume}}volume {{entryTags.volume}}{{#if entryTags.number}} ({{entryTags.number}}){{/if}}. {{/if}} {{#if entryTags.pages}}pages {{entryTags.pages}}. {{/if}} {{#if entryTags.publisher}} {{entryTags.publisher}}. {{/if}}{{entryTags.year}}.
    {{#if website}}
  • {{website}}
  • {{/if}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}


{{#each resume.talks}}
{{prettifyMonthDate date}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}


{{#each resume.releases}}
{{publisher}}. {{media_type}}. {{date}}.
    {{#if website}}
  • {{website}}
  • {{/if}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}

Residencies and Awards

{{#each resume.residencies}}
{{ date }}
    {{#if website}}
  • {{website}}
  • {{/if}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}

Works and Performances

Work list, scores, and performance list available at www.unboundedpress.org or on request.


Work Experience

{{#each resume.work}}
{{prettifyMonthDate startDate}} – {{prettifyMonthDate endDate}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}


{{#each resume.education}}
{{studyType}} in {{area}} {{#if gpa}}
{{prettifyMonthDate endDate}}


{{#each resume.skills}} {{name}}: {{#each keywords}} {{#if @last}} {{this}} {{else}} {{this}}, {{/if}} {{/each}}


{{#each resume.references}}
    {{#if website}}
  • {{website}}
  • {{/if}}
  • {{summary}}
  • {{#each highlights}}
  • {{this}}
  • {{/each}}