You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
5.3 KiB

module.exports = StackUtils;
function StackUtils(opts) {
if (!(this instanceof StackUtils)) {
throw new Error('StackUtils constructor must be called with new');
opts = opts || {};
this._cwd = (opts.cwd || process.cwd()).replace(/\\/g, '/');
this._internals = opts.internals || [];
module.exports.nodeInternals = nodeInternals;
function nodeInternals() {
return [
/\s*at node\.js:\d+:\d+?$/,
StackUtils.prototype.clean = function (stack) {
if (!Array.isArray(stack)) {
stack = stack.split('\n');
if (!(/^\s*at /.test(stack[0])) &&
(/^\s*at /.test(stack[1]))) {
stack = stack.slice(1);
var outdent = false;
var lastNonAtLine = null;
var result = [];
stack.forEach(function (st) {
st = st.replace(/\\/g, '/');
var isInternal = this._internals.some(function (internal) {
return internal.test(st);
if (isInternal) {
return null;
var isAtLine = /^\s*at /.test(st);
if (outdent) {
st = st.replace(/\s+$/, '').replace(/^(\s+)at /, '$1');
} else {
st = st.trim();
if (isAtLine) {
st = st.substring(3);
st = st.replace(this._cwd + '/', '');
if (st) {
if (isAtLine) {
if (lastNonAtLine) {
lastNonAtLine = null;
} else {
outdent = true;
lastNonAtLine = st;
}, this);
stack = result.join('\n').trim();
if (stack) {
return stack + '\n';
return '';
StackUtils.prototype.captureString = function (limit, fn) {
if (typeof limit === 'function') {
fn = limit;
limit = Infinity;
if (!fn) {
fn = this.captureString;
var limitBefore = Error.stackTraceLimit;
if (limit) {
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
var obj = {};
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, fn);
var stack = obj.stack;
Error.stackTraceLimit = limitBefore;
return this.clean(stack);
StackUtils.prototype.capture = function (limit, fn) {
if (typeof limit === 'function') {
fn = limit;
limit = Infinity;
if (!fn) {
fn = this.capture;
var prepBefore = Error.prepareStackTrace;
var limitBefore = Error.stackTraceLimit;
Error.prepareStackTrace = function (obj, site) {
return site;
if (limit) {
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit;
var obj = {};
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, fn);
var stack = obj.stack;
Error.prepareStackTrace = prepBefore;
Error.stackTraceLimit = limitBefore;
return stack;
}; = function at(fn) {
if (!fn) {
fn = at;
var site = this.capture(1, fn)[0];
if (!site) {
return {};
var res = {
line: site.getLineNumber(),
column: site.getColumnNumber()
this._setFile(res, site.getFileName());
if (site.isConstructor()) {
res.constructor = true;
if (site.isEval()) {
res.evalOrigin = site.getEvalOrigin();
if (site.isNative()) {
res.native = true;
var typename = null;
try {
typename = site.getTypeName();
} catch (er) {}
if (typename &&
typename !== 'Object' &&
typename !== '[object Object]') {
res.type = typename;
var fname = site.getFunctionName();
if (fname) {
res.function = fname;
var meth = site.getMethodName();
if (meth && fname !== meth) {
res.method = meth;
return res;
StackUtils.prototype._setFile = function (result, filename) {
if (filename) {
filename = filename.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if ((filename.indexOf(this._cwd + '/') === 0)) {
filename = filename.substr(this._cwd.length + 1);
result.file = filename;
var re = new RegExp(
'^' +
// Sometimes we strip out the ' at' because it's noisy
'(?:\\s*at )?' +
// $1 = ctor if 'new'
'(?:(new) )?' +
// Object.method [as foo] (, maybe
// $2 = function name
// $3 = method name
'(?:([^\\(\\[]*)(?: \\[as ([^\\]]+)\\])? \\()?' +
// (eval at <anonymous> (file.js:1:1),
// $4 = eval origin
// $5:$6:$7 are eval file/line/col, but not normally reported
'(?:eval at ([^ ]+) \\(([^\\)]+):(\\d+):(\\d+)\\), )?' +
// file:line:col
// $8:$9:$10
// $11 = 'native' if native
'(?:([^\\)]+):(\\d+):(\\d+)|(native))' +
// maybe close the paren, then end
StackUtils.prototype.parseLine = function parseLine(line) {
var match = line && line.match(re);
if (!match) {
return null;
var ctor = match[1] === 'new';
var fname = match[2];
var meth = match[3];
var evalOrigin = match[4];
var evalFile = match[5];
var evalLine = Number(match[6]);
var evalCol = Number(match[7]);
var file = match[8];
var lnum = match[9];
var col = match[10];
var native = match[11] === 'native';
var res = {};
if (lnum) {
res.line = Number(lnum);
if (col) {
res.column = Number(col);
this._setFile(res, file);
if (ctor) {
res.constructor = true;
if (evalOrigin) {
res.evalOrigin = evalOrigin;
res.evalLine = evalLine;
res.evalColumn = evalCol;
res.evalFile = evalFile && evalFile.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if (native) {
res.native = true;
if (fname) {
res.function = fname;
if (meth && fname !== meth) {
res.method = meth;
return res;
var bound = new StackUtils();
Object.keys(StackUtils.prototype).forEach(function (key) {
StackUtils[key] = bound[key].bind(bound);