Compare commits


31 Commits
0.2 ... main

Author SHA1 Message Date
mwinter eb365e91ef score tweak for proper kali transposition 1 year ago
mwinter 68b8dffd95 making gitignore ignore already tracked files 1 year ago
mwinter 3b6f81dec5 integrating kali score with original score for republication 1 year ago
mwinter 53071fe4c7 changing path to installation control audio files after major code reorganization 1 year ago
mwinter b96adb0cff major reorganization of code 1 year ago
mwinter e3f83bfb22 final state of tracker before code reorganization 1 year ago
mwinter 61dd859de7 adding all updates (score, utilities, everything) as of 2023-11-25 1 year ago
mwinter 55dfc20885 final state before opening 1 year ago
mwinter bfca2cd8eb automation reinstated in a better way 1 year ago
mwinter 19232846d5 commiting settings day before exhibition movein 1 year ago
mwinter 0489f77199 adding tracker lock after timeout 1 year ago
mwinter b96cca7a2e improvements to installation audio player 1 year ago
mwinter 32b4768ca6 adding installation audio player and putting lock on public gui 1 year ago
mwinter fc32faba51 making end measure in live utilities app 1 year ago
mwinter 55fd28f890 more controller work: failsafes and public control 1 year ago
mwinter 6662dc687e tweaking tracker for improved performance 1 year ago
mwinter 73b1420c3a changes to alignment software for final position 1 year ago
mwinter 4a399ff43d tweaking ammann synth back to long attack 1 year ago
mwinter 0d2f24eded tweaking ammann synth 1 year ago
mwinter beb38c5e34 fixing jaendel and transposing jaendel and ammann for live utilities for kali 1 year ago
mwinter edb4016b25 motions tracking now plucked in - still needs work 1 year ago
mwinter 0eb6de18b1 Merge branch 'main' of 1 year ago
mwinter 283f0260fb current status of tracker 1 year ago
mwinter 4b1334b413 actually committing fix to berger parts 1 year ago
mwinter 033343908d fixing berger parts and adding my new primary click 1 year ago
mwinter aa56ac5b7a fixing rounding bug and making 1/4 = 2/8 1 year ago
mwinter 87fafc8599 fixing mega bugs introduced with audio click and another hidden regarding starts in ppar 1 year ago
mwinter 101fae842c shortening duration of primary click sample 1 year ago
mwinter 494d570173 adding output control and mucho bug fixes 1 year ago
mwinter bb805a9a48 adding audio click and fixing major bug for no 60 bpm tempo 1 year ago
mwinter 05e64cdefa implementing direction in tracker 2 years ago

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ bool ySafeMode = false;
long yLimitPos = 0;
int microsteps = 1;
float maxSpeedConstant = 350 * microsteps;
float accelerationConstant = 100 * microsteps;
float maxSpeedConstant = 150 * microsteps;
float accelerationConstant = 50 * microsteps;
void setup() {

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"onCreate": "function shuffle(array) {\n let currentIndex = array.length, randomIndex;\n\n // While there remain elements to shuffle.\n while (currentIndex > 0) {\n\n // Pick a remaining element.\n randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);\n currentIndex--;\n\n // And swap it with the current element.\n [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [\n array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex]];\n }\n\n return array;\n}\n\nset(\"automate\", false)\n\nvar imageShuffle = shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])\nvar imageDurs = [6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6]\nvar time = 0;\nvar imageCount = 0;\nvar imageInterval = 0\nvar automateInterval = setInterval(function() {\n if(get(\"automate_play\") !== 0){\n //set(\"lock\", false)\n //set(\"automate\", true)\n //var curImageTime = (time % (60 * 3))\n if(time === imageInterval){\n imageCount = imageCount + 1;\n set(\"img_\" + imageShuffle[imageCount] + \"_select\", imageShuffle[imageCount])\n if(imageCount === 8){\n imageShuffle = shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])\n }\n time = 0\n imageInterval = imageDurs[imageShuffle[imageCount] - 1] * 60\n }\n \n time = time + 1\n set(\"message\", \"another tiling/message will be selected in \" + (imageInterval - time) + \" seconds\")\n set(\"message_public\", \"another tiling/message will be selected in \" + (imageInterval - time) + \" seconds\")\n set(\"message_sub\", \"another tiling/message will be selected in \" + (imageInterval - time) + \" seconds\")\n }\n \n}, 1000);",
"onValue": "if(get(\"automate_play\") !== 0){\n set(\"lock\", false)\n set(\"automate\", true)\n} else {\n set(\"lock\", true)\n set(\"automate\", false)\n }"
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"onCreate": "set(\"lock\", true)\nglobals.lockFunc = function(val){\n if(get(\"automate\") === false){\n if(val >= 0){\n var i = 180\n set(\"lock\", false)\n var timeOut = setInterval(function() {\n i = i - 1\n set(\"message_public\", \"you may select another tiling/message in \" + i + \" seconds\")\n //set(\"message\", get(\"lock\"))\n if(i < 1){\n set(\"lock\", true)\n set(\"message_public\", \"select another tiling/message\")\n //set(\"message\", get(\"lock\"))\n clearInterval(timeOut)\n }\n }, 1000);\n }\n }\n}",
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@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QShortcut
from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeySequence
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QPoint
import time
import cv2
from picamera2 import MappedArray, Picamera2, Preview
from picamera2.previews.qt import QGlPicamera2
import numpy as np
from pythonosc import udp_client
from libcamera import Transform
def rectFromPoint(center, len, width, axis):
rect = ((0, 0), (0, 0))
l = int(len/2)
w = int(width/2)
if(axis == 'x'):
rect = ((center[0] - l, center[1] - w), (center[0] + l, center[1] + w))
elif(axis == 'y'):
rect = ((center[0] - w, center[1] - l), (center[0] + w, center[1] + l))
return rect
def rectsFromPoint(center, l1, l2, l3, w, cOffset, axis):
centerFine = center
fineInner = rectFromPoint(centerFine, l1, w, axis)
if(axis == 'x'):
fineInnerNeg = rectFromPoint((centerFine[0] - int(l1 / 4), centerFine[1]), int(l1 / 2), w, axis)
fineInnerPos = rectFromPoint((centerFine[0] + int(l1 / 4), centerFine[1]), int(l1 / 2), w, axis)
elif(axis == 'y'):
fineInnerNeg = rectFromPoint((centerFine[0], centerFine[1] - int(l1 / 4)), int(l1 / 2), w, axis)
fineInnerPos = rectFromPoint((centerFine[0], centerFine[1] + int(l1 / 4)), int(l1 / 2), w, axis)
fineOuter = rectFromPoint(centerFine, l2, w, axis)
centerCoarse = center
if(axis == 'x'):
centerCoarse = (center[0], center[1] + cOffset)
elif(axis == 'y'):
centerCoarse = (center[0] + cOffset, center[1])
coarse = rectFromPoint(centerCoarse, l3, w, axis)
return [fineInnerNeg, fineInnerPos, fineInner, fineOuter, coarse, center]
def moveROI(event, x, y, flags, params):
global roiX, roiY, moving, l1, l2, l3, w, cOffset, selectedAxis
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
moving = True
elif event==cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
if moving==True:
if(selectedAxis == 'x'):
roiX = rectsFromPoint((x, y), l1, l2, l3, w, cOffset, selectedAxis)
elif(selectedAxis == 'y'):
roiY = rectsFromPoint((x, y), l1, l2, l3, w, cOffset, selectedAxis)
elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
moving = False
def crop(frame, rect):
return frame[rect[0][1]:rect[1][1], rect[0][0]:rect[1][0]]
def replaceCrop(frame, rect, crop):
frame[rect[0][1]:rect[1][1], rect[0][0]:rect[1][0]] = crop
def genDKernel(dVal):
return np.ones((dVal, dVal), np.uint8)
def track(frame, roi, dKernel):
exp = 2
roiFineInnerNeg, roiFineInnerPos, roiFineInner, roiFineOuter, roiCourse, roiCenter = roi
cropFineOuter = crop(frame, roiFineOuter)
cropCoarse = crop(frame, roiCourse)
#gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
dilation = cv2.dilate(cropFineOuter, dKernel, iterations=1)
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(dilation,100,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
replaceCrop(frame, roiFineOuter, thresh)
meanCourse = pow(cropCoarse.mean(), 1)
mean = 0
direction = 1
if(meanCourse > 40):
# this could potentially be made more efficient by cropping from cropFineOuter
cropFineInner = crop(frame, roiFineInner)
# this could potentially be made more efficient by cropping from cropFineInner
cropFineInnerNeg = crop(frame, roiFineInnerNeg)
cropFineInnerPos = crop(frame, roiFineInnerPos)
meanFine = pow(cropFineInner.mean(), exp)
direction = np.sign(cropFineInnerPos.mean() - cropFineInnerNeg.mean())
mean = meanFine
distance = direction * (pow(255, exp) - mean)
return distance
def drawRect(frame, points):
cv2.rectangle(frame, points[0], points[1], (0, 255, 0))
def drawRoi(frame, roi):
for rect in roi[2:5]:
drawRect(frame, rect)
center = roi[5]
cv2.line(frame, (center[0] - 5, center[1]), (center[0] + 5, center[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)
cv2.line(frame, (center[0], center[1] - 5), (center[0], center[1] + 5), (0, 255, 0), 1)
def picameraToCVTrack():
global roiX, roiY, moving, l1, l2, l3, w, selectedAxis, dilationVal, dilationKernel, calibrate, oscClient
while True:
frame = picam2.capture_buffer("lores")
frame = frame[:s1 * h1].reshape((h1, s1))
#frame = picam2.capture_array("lores")
#frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
distanceX = track(frame, roiX, dilationKernel)
distanceY = track(frame, roiY, dilationKernel) * -1
oscClient.send_message("/trackerpos", [distanceX, distanceY * -1])
drawRoi(frame, roiX)
drawRoi(frame, roiY)
cv2.putText(frame, "{}: {:.2f}".format("distance x", distanceX), (10, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 255), 3)
cv2.putText(frame, "{}: {:.2f}".format("distance y", distanceY), (10, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 255), 3)
if calibrate:
cv2.imshow("Frame", frame)
#cv2.imshow("Process", tresh)
# Press Q on keyboard to exit
key = cv2.waitKey(20)
#if key == 32:
# cv2.waitKey()
if key == ord('+'):
dilationVal = dilationVal + 1
dilationKernel = genDKernel(dilationVal)
elif key == ord('-'):
if dilationVal > 0:
dilationVal = dilationVal - 1
dilationKernel = genDKernel(dilationVal)
elif key == ord('x'):
selectedAxis = 'x'
elif key == ord('y'):
selectedAxis = 'y'
elif key == ord('c'):
if calibrate:
calibrate = False
calibrate = True
#elif key == ord('q'):
# break
class TrackerThread(QThread):
def __init__(self, target=None):
super().__init__() = target
def run(self):
class MainWindow(QGlPicamera2):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
trackerThread = TrackerThread(target=picameraToCVTrack)
self.shortcut_close_window = QShortcut(QKeySequence('f'), self)
self.move(920, 80)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
self.oldPos = event.globalPos()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
delta = QPoint (event.globalPos() - self.oldPos)
self.move(self.x() + delta.x(), self.y() + delta.y())
self.oldPos = event.globalPos()
def goFullscreen(self):
if self.isFullScreen():
#self._flags = self.windowFlags()
#self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt.WindowType_Mask)
picam2 = Picamera2()
#max resolution is (4056, 3040) which is more like 10 fps
#config = picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={"size": (2028, 1520)}, lores={"size": (768, 768), "format": "YUV420"}, transform=Transform(vflip=False))
config = picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={"size": (4056, 3040)}, lores={"size": (768, 768), "format": "YUV420"}, transform=Transform(hflip=True, vflip=False))
app = QApplication([])
qpicamera2 = MainWindow(picam2, width=2000, height=2000, keep_ar=False)
qpicamera2.setWindowTitle("Qt Picamera2 App")
selectedAxis = 'x'
moving = False
l1 = 100
l2 = 300
l3 = 40
w = 10
cOffset = 23;
roiXCenter = (384, 20)
roiYCenter = (20, 384)
roiX = rectsFromPoint(roiXCenter, l1, l2, l3, w, cOffset, 'x')
roiY = rectsFromPoint(roiYCenter, l1, l2, l3, w, cOffset, 'y')
dilationVal = 70
dilationKernel = genDKernel(dilationVal)
calibrate = True
oscClient = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient("", 57120)
cv2.namedWindow("Frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.resizeWindow("Frame", 1350, 1350)
cv2.setMouseCallback("Frame", moveROI)
#picam2.controls.ScalerCrop = (800, 0, 3040, 3040)
#picam2.controls.ScalerCrop = (1375, 550, 1800, 1800)
picam2.controls.ScalerCrop = (915, 630, 2025, 2025)
#picam2.controls.Brightness = 0.2
picam2.controls.Contrast = 1.1
#picam2.set_controls({"ExposureValue": 2})
#picam2.set_controls({"ColourGains": (0, 0)})
#picam2.set_controls({"Sharpness": 10})
#picam2.set_controls({"AeEnable": False})
#picam2.set_controls({"ExposureTime": 1700})
picam2.set_controls({"Saturation": 0})
(w0, h0) = picam2.stream_configuration("main")["size"]
(w1, h1) = picam2.stream_configuration("lores")["size"]
s1 = picam2.stream_configuration("lores")["stride"]

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
var recDir, recPaths, recInfo, playBuf, player, isPlaying, playRoutine, localAddress;
SynthDef(\hdpPlayer, {arg playBuf = 0, gate = 0;
var playDur, fadeTime, changeTrig, playSig, fade;
fadeTime = 30;
playSig =, playBuf,, gate, 0);
fade =, 1, fadeTime), gate);, playSig * fade);[0, 1], * 0.03 * (fade - 1).abs);
recDir = "/home/mwinter/a_history_of_the_domino_problem/tiling_sonification_visualization/recs/";
recPaths = ["berger_knuth.wav", "robinson.wav", "penrose.wav", "ammann.wav", "kari_culik.wav", "jaendel_rao.wav"].collect({arg file; recDir +/+ file});
recInfo = recPaths.collect({arg path; var sndFile; sndFile = SoundFile.openRead(path); [sndFile.numFrames, sndFile.sampleRate]});
playBuf =, recPaths[0]);
//lock = false;
isPlaying = false;
player = Synth(\hdpPlayer, [\playBuf, playBuf]);
localAddress ="", 57120);
OSCFunc({ arg msg, time;
[time, msg].postln;
playRoutine = Routine({
var playDur, piece, numPlayFrames, startFrame;
//if(isPlaying, {
player.set(\gate, 0);
if(msg[1] >= 0, {
isPlaying = true;
piece = msg[1].postln;
//playDur = (5.0.rand + 5) * 60;
playDur = 10 * 60;
numPlayFrames = playDur * recInfo[piece][1];
startFrame = (recInfo[piece][0] - numPlayFrames).rand;;
playBuf =, recPaths[piece], startFrame, numPlayFrames, action: {arg buf;
player.set(\gate, 1);
(playDur - 30).wait;
player.set(\gate, 0);
isPlaying = false;
},'/playTiling', localAddress);

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
var imageDist, micronsPerStep, automation, imgPositions, curPos, tarPos,
netAddress, serialPort, serialListener,
moveTo, jogControl, jogHorizontal, jogVertical,
imgSelect, imgCalibrate, automate, lastSelect, trackerPos;
imgSelect, imgCalibrate, automate, lastSelect, trackerPos, trackerOffsetBaseDist, trackerOffset;
// init global vars
imageDist = 300; // in microns
@ -13,7 +13,24 @@ automation = false;
imgPositions = 9.collect({nil});
curPos =, 0);
tarPos =, 0);
netAddress ="", 7777);
netAddress ="", 8080);
lastSelect = -1;
trackerOffsetBaseDist = 16000;
trackerOffset = [
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0, trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1]
~serialPort = SerialPort("/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate: 115200, crtscts: true);
// recieve motor feedback
@ -27,7 +44,7 @@ netAddress ="", 7777);
byte =;
if(byte==13, {
if(str[1].asString == "[", {
valArray = str.asString.interpret; //.postln;
valArray = str.asString.interpret.postln;
curPos =[0], valArray[1]);
limitSwitchNeg = valArray[2];
limitSwitchPos = valArray[3];
@ -68,8 +85,12 @@ netAddress ="", 7777);
// send new coordinates to the arduino / motors
moveTo = {arg point;
~serialPort.putAll(point.x.asInteger.asString ++ " " ++ point.y.asInteger.asString);
if((point.x.abs < 8000) && (curPos.y.abs < 8000), {
"move to".postln;
~serialPort.putAll(point.x.asInteger.asString ++ " " ++ point.y.asInteger.asString);
jogControl = {arg axis;
@ -77,12 +98,14 @@ jogControl = {arg axis;
jog = Task({
count = (count + 0.01).clip(0, 1);
jogRate = pow(count, 2) * 500;
if(axis == '/jog_horizontal', {
tarPos.x = curPos.x + (jogRate * jogDirection);
tarPos.x = curPos.x + (jogRate * jogDirection * -1);
}, {
tarPos.y = curPos.y + (jogRate * jogDirection);
@ -90,10 +113,11 @@ jogControl = {arg axis;
OSCFunc({arg msg;
//tarPos.x = curPos.x + (1000 * msg[1]);
if(msg[1] == 0, {count = 0; jogRate = 0; jog.pause()}, {jogDirection = msg[1];});
automation = false;
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{automate: 0}");
}, axis, netAddress)
//netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{automate: 0}");
}, axis, netAddress);
jogHorizontal = jogControl.value('/jog_horizontal');
@ -103,16 +127,20 @@ imgSelect = {
//var lastSelect = nil;
OSCFunc({arg msg;
var imgIndex;
if(msg[1] > 0, {
if((msg[1] > 0), {
imgIndex = msg[1] - 1;
if(imgPositions[imgIndex] != nil, {tarPos = imgPositions[imgIndex].deepCopy; moveTo.value(tarPos)});{arg i; if(imgIndex != i, {
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{img_" ++ (i + 1).asString ++ "_select: " ++ (i + 1).neg ++ "}")})});
automation = false;
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{automate: 0}");
//netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{automate: 0}");
lastSelect = imgIndex;
}, {
lastSelect = 0;
if(msg[1] == ((lastSelect + 1) * -1), {"here".postln; lastSelect = -1})
//lastSelect = 0;
imgIndex = msg[1].neg - 1;
if(imgIndex == lastSelect, {
@ -126,8 +154,18 @@ imgSelect = {
imgCalibrate = {
var calibrateHold, imgIndex, setPos;
calibrateHold = Routine({
var imageCalibrationIndex = 0;{0.1.wait});
imgPositions[imgIndex] = setPos.deepCopy;
//imgPositions[imgIndex] = setPos.deepCopy;
[-1, 0, 1].do({arg row;
[-1, 0, 1].do({arg col;
imgPositions[imageCalibrationIndex] = setPos.deepCopy + * col, 6550 * row);
imageCalibrationIndex = imageCalibrationIndex + 1;
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"image calibrated\"}");
@ -143,6 +181,7 @@ imgCalibrate = {
automate = OSCFunc({arg msg;
if(msg[1] == 1, {
automation = true;
}, {
@ -154,14 +193,33 @@ automate = OSCFunc({arg msg;
}, '/automate', netAddress);
trackerPos = OSCFunc({arg msg;
if(lastSelect.postln > -1, {
var distX, distY, isFocusing;
distX = curPos.x - imgPositions[lastSelect].x;
distY = curPos.y - imgPositions[lastSelect].y;
isFocusing = false;
if((imgPositions[lastSelect] != nil) && (distX.abs < 300) && ((msg[1] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][0]).abs > 3000), {
tarPos.x = curPos.x + (10 * (msg[1] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][0]).sign);// * -1);
isFocusing = true;
if((imgPositions[lastSelect] != nil) && (distY.abs < 300) && ((msg[2] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][1]).abs > 3000), {
tarPos.y = curPos.y + (10 * (msg[2] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][1]).sign);// * -1);
isFocusing = true;
if(isFocusing, {moveTo.value(tarPos)});
}, '/trackerpos');
//in case of emergency
~serialPort ="/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate: 115200, crtscts: true);
//This is legacy code - should be removed soonish
// TODO:
// set position to 0

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
// main controller for the installation
// TODO: playback of the recordings, automation, switch from open-loop to closed-loop with the openCV tracker
var imgPositions, imgIndexToAudioIndex, curPos, tarPos,
netAddress, localAddress, serialPort, serialListener,
moveTo, jogControl, jogHorizontal, jogVertical,
imgSelect, imgCalibrate, lastSelect,
trackerPos, trackerOffsetBaseDist, trackerOffset, trackLock,
dirTuples, dirAdjustRoutine, dirTuplesSeq;
// init global vars
imgPositions = 9.collect({nil});
imgIndexToAudioIndex = [0, 1, -1, 2, -1, 3, -1, 4, 5];
curPos =, 0);
tarPos =, 0);
netAddress ="", 8080);
localAddress ="", 57120);
lastSelect = -1;
trackerOffsetBaseDist = 12000;
trackerOffset = [
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * 0, trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1],
[trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1, trackerOffsetBaseDist * -1]
trackLock = true;
dirTuples = [ [ -1, -1 ], [ -1, 0 ], [ -1, 1 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, -1 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ] ];
~serialPort = SerialPort("/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate: 115200, crtscts: true);
// recieve motor feedback
~serialListener = Routine({
var byte, str, res, valArray,
stepper, limitSwitchNeg, limitSwitchPos, safeMode, limitPos;
safeMode = false;
byte =;
if(byte==13, {
if(str[1].asString == "[", {
valArray = str.asString.interpret.postln;
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{pos_message: \"x_pos: " + valArray[0] + " | y_pos: " + valArray[1] + "\"}");
curPos =[0], valArray[1]);
limitSwitchNeg = valArray[2];
limitSwitchPos = valArray[3];
if(safeMode && (limitSwitchNeg == limitSwitchPos), {
safeMode = false;
fork {
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"all clear\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_sub: \"all clear\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_public: \"all clear\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_sub: \"\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_public: \"\"}");
}, {
if(str[1..3].asString == "!!!", {
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"!!! limit switch still on after 1000 steps, this should NEVER happen\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_sub: \"!!! limit switch still on after 1000 steps, this should NEVER happen\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_public: \"!!! limit switch still on after 1000 steps, this should NEVER happen\"}");
}, {
safeMode = true;
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"!! limit hit, move the other direction\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_sub: \"!! limit hit, move the other direction\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_public: \"!! limit hit, move the other direction\"}");
str = "";
}, {str = str++byte.asAscii});
// send new coordinates to the arduino / motors
moveTo = {arg point;
if((point.x.abs < 8000) && (curPos.y.abs < 8000), {
"move to".postln;
~serialPort.putAll(point.x.asInteger.asString ++ " " ++ point.y.asInteger.asString);
jogControl = {arg axis;
var jog, count = 0, jogRate= 0, jogDirection = 1;
jog = Task({
count = (count + 0.01).clip(0, 1);
jogRate = pow(count, 2) * 500;
if(axis == '/jog_horizontal', {
tarPos.x = curPos.x + (jogRate * jogDirection * -1);
}, {
tarPos.y = curPos.y + (jogRate * jogDirection);
OSCFunc({arg msg;
if(msg[1] == 0, {count = 0; jogRate = 0; jog.pause()}, {jogDirection = msg[1];});
}, axis, netAddress);
jogHorizontal = jogControl.value('/jog_horizontal');
jogVertical = jogControl.value('/jog_vertical');
imgSelect = {
OSCFunc({arg msg;
var imgIndex, audioIndex;
if((msg[1] > 0), {
trackLock = false;
imgIndex = msg[1] - 1;
if(imgPositions[imgIndex] != nil, {tarPos = imgPositions[imgIndex].deepCopy; moveTo.value(tarPos)});{arg i; if(imgIndex != i, {
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{img_" ++ (i + 1).asString ++ "_select: " ++ (i + 1).neg ++ "}")})});
lastSelect = imgIndex;
audioIndex = imgIndexToAudioIndex[imgIndex];
//if(audioIndex != nil, {localAddress.sendMsg('/playTiling', audioIndex)});
localAddress.sendMsg('/playTiling', audioIndex);
dirTuplesSeq = 2.collect({dirTuples.deepCopy.scramble.collect({arg tup; [tup, tup * -1]}).flatten}).flatten;
dirAdjustRoutine = Routine({
//imgPositions[imgIndex] = curPos.deepCopy;
trackLock = true;
//10.wait;{arg dirAdjust;
if(dirAdjust < 8, {
tarPos = imgPositions[imgIndex].deepCopy + (dirTuplesSeq[dirAdjust] * 200);
trackLock = false;
trackLock = true;
}, {
trackLock = false;
trackLock = true;
trackLock = false;
//trackLock = true;
}, {
if(msg[1] == ((lastSelect + 1) * -1), {
lastSelect = -1;
trackLock = true;
}, '/img_select', netAddress)
imgCalibrate = {
var calibrateHold, imgIndex, setPos;
calibrateHold = Routine({
var imageCalibrationIndex = 0;{0.1.wait});
[-1, 0, 1].do({arg row;
[-1, 0, 1].do({arg col;
imgPositions[imageCalibrationIndex] = setPos.deepCopy + * col, 6700 * row);
imageCalibrationIndex = imageCalibrationIndex + 1;
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"image calibrated\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_sub: \"image calibrated\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_public: \"image calibrated\"}");
OSCFunc({ arg msg;
imgIndex = msg[1] - 1;
if(imgIndex >= 0, {
setPos = curPos.deepCopy;;
}, {
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message: \"\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_sub: \"\"}");
netAddress.sendMsg("/STATE/SET", "{message_public: \"\"}");
}, '/img_calibrate', netAddress);
trackerPos = OSCFunc({arg msg;
if((lastSelect.postln > -1) && trackLock.postln.not, {
var distX, distY, isFocusing;
distX = curPos.x - imgPositions[lastSelect].x;
distY = curPos.y - imgPositions[lastSelect].y;
isFocusing = false;
if((imgPositions[lastSelect] != nil) && (distX.abs < 350) && ((msg[1] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][0]).abs > 3000), {
tarPos.x = curPos.x + (10 * (msg[1] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][0]).sign);// * -1);
isFocusing = true;
if((imgPositions[lastSelect] != nil) && (distY.abs < 350) && ((msg[2] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][1]).abs > 3000), {
tarPos.y = curPos.y + (10 * (msg[2] - trackerOffset[lastSelect][1]).sign);// * -1);
isFocusing = true;
if(isFocusing, {moveTo.value(tarPos)});
}, '/trackerpos');
//in case of emergency
//~serialPort ="/dev/ttyACM0", baudrate: 115200, crtscts: true);

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Hao Wang.
\newblock Proving theorems by pattern recognition — ii.
\newblock {\em Bell System Technical Journal}, 40(1):1--41, 1961.
\newblock {\em The Undecidability of the Domino Problem}.
\newblock Memoirs ; No 1/66. American Mathematical Society, 1966.
Raphael~M. Robinson.
\newblock Undecidability and nonperiodicity for tilings of the plane.
\newblock {\em Inventiones mathematicae}, 12(3):177--209, Sep 1971.
Branko Gr\"{u}nbaum and G~C Shephard.
\newblock {\em Tilings and Patterns}.
\newblock W. H. Freeman \& Co., New York, NY, USA, 1986.
Jarkko Kari.
\newblock A small aperiodic set of wang tiles.
\newblock {\em Discrete Math.}, 160(1-3):259--264, November 1996.
Emmanuel Jeandel and Micha{\"{e}}l Rao.
\newblock An aperiodic set of 11 wang tiles.
\newblock {\em CoRR}, abs/1506.06492, 2015.

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
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@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ module.exports = {
//piece = tokens[2]
type = tokens[3]
val = args[0].value
if(type != "volume_master") {
if((type == "volume_master") || (type == "volume_click") || (type == "out_audio") || (type == "out_click")) {
args = [{'type': 's', 'value': type}, {'type': 'f', 'value': val}]
} else {
index = tokens[4]
args = [{'type': 's', 'value': type}, {'type': 's', 'value': index}, {'type': 'f', 'value': val}]
} else {
args = [{'type': 's', 'value': type}, {'type': 'f', 'value': val}]
//args = [{'type': 's', 'value': piece}, {'type': 's', 'value': type}, {'type': 's', 'value': index}, {'type': 'f', 'value': val}]
@ -154,10 +154,18 @@ module.exports = {
return {host, port, address, args}
if (address === '/transport') {
if (address === '/transport') {
return {host, port, address, args}
if (address === '/noise_fade') {
return {host, port, address, args}
if (address === '/noise_amp') {
return {host, port, address, args}

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"onValue": ""
"tabs": []

@ -10,14 +10,19 @@ appEnvironment.push;
var hdpBusArray,
bergerCreateSynthsForLive, robinsonCreateSynthsForLive, penroseCreateSynthsForLive, ammannCreateSynthsForLive, kariCreateSynthsForLive, jaendelCreateSynthsForLive,
var hdpBusArray, clickBus, clickBufPrimary, clickBufSecondary,
bergerCreateSynthsForLive, robinsonCreateSynthsForLive, penroseCreateSynthsForLive, ammannCreateSynthsForLive, kariCreateSynthsForLive, jaendelCreateSynthsForLive, clickCreateSynthForLive,
bergerCreatePatternsForLive, robinsonCreatePatternsForLive, penroseCreatePatternsForLive, ammannCreatePatternsForLive, kariCreatePatternsForLive, jaendelCreatePatternsForLive,
createTransportData, createTransportPattern, dir, group, berger, mixer, measureLengths, seqs, transportData, playbackData, tempoClock, player;
createTransportData, createTransportPattern, createClickPattern, dir, group, berger, mixer, measureLengths, seqs, transportData, playbackData, tempoClock, player;
c =;
dir = thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname;
hdpBusArray = 32.collect({, 1)});
clickBus =, 1);
Event.addEventType(\osc, {
if (~addr.postln.notNil) {
@ -31,7 +36,7 @@ s.waitForBoot({
//create synth defs
bergerCreateSynthsForLive = {var b;
// this creates a different waveform for each sonification of each part
b = 8.collect({var buf = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); buf.sine1(1.0 / 5.collect({arg i; pow(i + 1, 5.0.rand + 1)}), true, true, true)});
SynthDef(\berger, {arg freq, amp = 0.2, del = 5, gate = 1, sustain = 1, buf = 0, out = 0;
@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ s.waitForBoot({
robinsonCreateSynthsForLive = {var b;
b = 8.collect({var buf = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); buf.sine1(1.0 / 5.collect({arg i; pow(i + 1, 5.0.rand + 1)}), true, true, true)});
SynthDef(\robinson, {arg freq, amp = 0.2, del = 5, gate = 1, sustain = 1, buf = 0, out = 0;
@ -49,7 +54,7 @@ s.waitForBoot({
penroseCreateSynthsForLive = {var b;
b = 8.collect({var buf = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); buf.sine1(1.0 / 5.collect({arg i; pow(i + 1, 5.0.rand + 1)}), true, true, true)});
SynthDef(\penrose_ins, {arg freq, amp = 0.2, del = 5, gate = 1, sustain = 1, buf = 0, out = 0;
@ -62,11 +67,12 @@ s.waitForBoot({
ammannCreateSynthsForLive = {var b;
b = 6.collect({var buf = Buffer.alloc(s, 512, 1); buf.sine1(1.0 / 5.collect({arg i; pow(i + 1, 5.0.rand + 1)}), true, true, true)});
SynthDef(\ammann, {arg freq, amp, del = 5, gate = 1, sustain = 1, buf = 0, out = 0;,, b), freq, 0, amp) *, sustain - 4, 1, 1), gate, 1, 0, 1, doneAction: 2));
//,, b), freq, 0, amp) *, sustain, 0.85, 0.2), gate, 1, 0, 1, doneAction: 2));
@ -89,12 +95,28 @@ s.waitForBoot({
//sine tones for sonification
jaendelCreateSynthsForLive = {
SynthDef(\jaendel, {arg freq, col, attack, sustain, decay, del = 5, gate = 1, pan = 0, pIndex = 0;
SynthDef(\jaendel, {arg freq, col, attack, sustain, decay, del = 5, gate = 1, pan = 0, pIndex = 0, out1 = 0, out2 = 1;
var env;
env =[0, 1, 1, 0], [attack, sustain, decay], \sin), 1, 1, 0, 1, doneAction: 2);
//color is mapped to panning similar to the score which maps to different ways of playing the same note * 2,, 0, (((col >= 1) * (col <= 1)) + (col >= 3)).lag(0.3) * env * 0.05)); * 2 + 1,, 0, (col >= 2).lag(0.3) * env * 0.05));,, 0, (((col >= 1) * (col <= 1)) + (col >= 3)).lag(0.3) * env * 0.05));,, 0, (col >= 2).lag(0.3) * env * 0.05));
//sampler for click track
clickCreateSynthForLive = {
clickBufPrimary =, dir +/+ "music_data" +/+ "primary_click.wav");
clickBufSecondary =, dir +/+ "music_data" +/+ "secondary_click.wav");
SynthDef(\click, {arg measure = 0, beat = 0, dur = 1, sustain = 1, gate = 1, out = 0, primaryBufNum = 0, secondaryBufNum = 1;
var primaryClick, secondaryClick, sig;
primaryClick =, primaryBufNum,, 1, * * (measure % 100));
//primaryClick =, primaryBufNum,;
secondaryClick =, secondaryBufNum,, 1);
sig = > 0, [primaryClick, secondaryClick]);//*, 1), doneAction: 2);, gate, doneAction: 2);, sig);
@ -102,8 +124,8 @@ s.waitForBoot({
//create patterns
bergerCreatePatternsForLive = {arg seqs, group;
var pBinds, cleanSeqs;
cleanSeqs = [seqs[5], seqs[6], seqs[7], seqs[0], seqs[1], seqs[2]];
pBinds = seqs.collect({arg r, i;
cleanSeqs = [seqs[5], seqs[6], seqs[7], seqs[1], seqs[2], seqs[3]];
pBinds = cleanSeqs.collect({arg r, i;
Pbind(\instrument, \berger,
//\buf, Pseq((i - ((0..(r.slice(nil, 2).flat.size - 1)) / 10).trunc.asInteger) % 8),
\group, group,
@ -173,7 +195,7 @@ s.waitForBoot({
\out, hdpBusArray[i],
//\freq, Pseq((55 * r.slice(nil, 2).flatten).cpsmidi.round(0.5).midicps),
//\freq, Pseq((55 * r.slice(nil, 2).flatten)) / 8 * pow(2, i),
\freq, Pseq(r.slice(nil, 2).flatten.collect({arg harm; (55 * harm) / 4 * pow(2, i) * pow(2, if(harm < 8, {0}, {0}))})),
\freq, Pseq(r.slice(nil, 2).flatten.collect({arg harm; (55 * (32/27) * harm) / 8 * pow(2, i) * pow(2, if(harm < 8, {0}, {0}))})),
\dur, Pseq(r.slice(nil, 0).flat),
//this is a bit tricky it makes it so that each note goes to the next
@ -198,12 +220,12 @@ s.waitForBoot({
Pbind(\instrument, \kariNoise,
\group, group,
\out, 0,
\out, hdpBusArray[0],
\dur, Pseq(dirs[0].slice(nil, 1) /* * 1.2*/),
\snd, Pseq(dirs[0].slice(nil, 0))),
Pbind(\instrument, \kariBass,
\group, group,
\out, 1,
\out, hdpBusArray[1],
\dur, Pseq(dirs[1].slice(nil, 1) /* * 1.2*/),
\freq, Pseq((dirs[1].slice(nil, 0).collect({arg elem; [Rest(0), 36.midicps, 43.midicps][elem]})))),
] ++
@ -211,7 +233,7 @@ s.waitForBoot({
dirs.drop(2).reverse.collect({arg row, i;
Pbind(\instrument, \kariEnsemble,
\group, group,
\out, i + 2,
\out, hdpBusArray[i + 2],
\dur, Pseq(row.slice(nil, 1) /* * 1.2*/),
//\sustain, Pseq(row.slice(nil, 1) * 1.2),
\freq, Pseq(row.slice(nil, 0).collect({arg val; if(val == 5, {Rest(0)}, {(60 + (val.trunc * 7)).midicps})})),
@ -235,57 +257,61 @@ s.waitForBoot({
\group, group,
\pIndex, pIndex,
\dur, Pseq([Rest(del * durUnit), Pseq([durUnit], inf)]),
\freq, fund * harms[r % if(version == 0, {16}, {8})],
\freq, fund * (32/27) * harms[r % if(version == 0, {16}, {8})],
\col, Pseq([0, Pseq(row[start..stop])]),
\attack, fade * durUnit,
\sustain, (eDur - (fade * 2)) * durUnit,
\decay, fade * durUnit,
\out1, hdpBusArray[pIndex * 2],
\out2, hdpBusArray[pIndex * 2 + 1],
createClickPattern = {arg transportData, group;
Pbind(\instrument, \click,
\group, group,
//\msg, Pseq(8.collect({arg i; ["-", (i % 4) + 1]}) ++ transportData.collect({arg item; [item[0], item[1]]}), 1),
//\dur, Pseq(8.collect({arg i; 1}) ++ transportData.collect({arg item; item[2]}), 1),
\measure, Pseq(8.collect({arg i; 2}) ++ transportData.collect({arg item; item[0]}) - 1, 1),
\beat, Pseq(8.collect({arg i; 2}) ++ transportData.collect({arg item; item[1]}) - 1, 1),
\dur, Pseq(8.collect({arg i; 1}) ++ transportData.collect({arg item; item[2]}), 1),
\sustain, 0.75,
\primaryBufNum, clickBufPrimary,
\secondaryBufNum, clickBufSecondary,
\out, clickBus
SynthDef(\mixer_old, {arg freq, gate = 1, sustain, amp, dur, out;
var nameSpaces, sigs;
sigs = [hdpBusArray].collect({arg busArray, i;
var nameSpace, sig;
nameSpace = ['hdp'][i];
sig = busArray.collect({arg bus, c;, 1) *\ ++ nameSpace ++ '_volume_' ++ c, 1, 0.1)});
sig = sig.collect({arg channel, c;,\ ++ nameSpace ++ '_pan_' ++ c, i / (busArray.size - 1), 0.1) * 2 - 1)});
sig = sig.collect({arg channel, c; channel *\ ++ nameSpace ++ '_mute_' ++ c, 1, 0.1)});
sig = * pow(\ ++ nameSpace ++ '_volume_master', 1, 0.5), 2);
sigs = / 6);, sigs)
SynthDef(\mixer, {
var sig;
var sig, click;
sig = hdpBusArray.collect({arg bus, index;, 1) *\volume_ ++ index, 0.75, 0.1)});
sig = sig.collect({arg channel, index;,\pan_ ++ index, 0.5, 0.1) * 2 - 1)});
sig = sig.collect({arg channel, index; channel *\mute_ ++ index, 1, 0.1)});
sig = * pow(\volume_master, 0.75, 0.5), 2);, sig)
click =, 1) *\volume_click, 0.75, 0.1);\out_audio, 0, 0), sig);\out_click, 0, 0), click);
dir = thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname;
createTransportData = {arg measureLengths;
measureLengths.collect({arg dur, measure;
var beats;
if(dur.round(0.5) % 1 == 0, {
dur.asInteger.collect({arg beat;
if((dur.round(0.5) % 1 == 0) && (dur.round(0.5) != 1), {
dur.round(0.5).asInteger.collect({arg beat;
[measure + 1, beat + 1, 1]
}, {
var eigths, beatDurs;
eigths = (dur / 0.5).round(0.5).asInteger;
beatDurs = case
{eigths <= 3} {[dur]}
{eigths == 5} {[1, 1.5]}
@ -294,6 +320,8 @@ s.waitForBoot({
{eigths == 11} {[1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5]}
{eigths == 13} {[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5]}
{eigths == 15} {[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5]};
beatDurs = eigths.collect({0.5});
beatDurs.collect({arg bDur, beat;
[measure + 1, beat + 1, bDur]
@ -318,14 +346,16 @@ s.waitForBoot({
group =;
berger = Synth.tail(group, \berger);
//berger = Synth.tail(group, \berger);
mixer = Synth.tail(group, \mixer);
playbackData = 6);
seqs = File.readAllString((dir +/+ "music_data" +/+ "berger.txt").standardizePath).interpret;
measureLengths = seqs[0][6];
playbackData.add(\berger -> [bergerCreatePatternsForLive.value(seqs, group), createTransportData.value(measureLengths), measureLengths]);
@ -349,13 +379,14 @@ s.waitForBoot({
measureLengths = 284.collect({4});
playbackData.add(\jaendel -> [jaendelCreatePatternsForLive.value(seqs, 0, 1, 55, group), createTransportData.value(measureLengths), measureLengths]);
OSCdef(\mixer, {arg msg, time, addr, port;
[msg, time, addr, port];
if(msg[1].asString != "volume_master", {
mixer.set((msg[1] ++ '_' ++ msg[2]), msg[3]);
[msg, time, addr, port].postln;
if((msg[1].asString == "volume_master") || (msg[1].asString == "volume_click") || (msg[1].asString[..2] == "out"), {
var val = msg[2];
if(msg[1].asString[..2] == "out", {val = val.round - 1});
mixer.set(msg[1], val)
}, {
mixer.set(msg[1], msg[2])
mixer.set((msg[1] ++ '_' ++ msg[2]), msg[3]);
}, \mixer);
@ -363,14 +394,26 @@ s.waitForBoot({
[msg, time, addr, port].postln;
if(msg[1] == 0, {
//need some work here to make sure all synths are getting cutoff correctly
group.set(\release, 2);
group.set(\gate, 0);
//group.set(\release, 2);
//group.set(\gate, 0);
}, {
var pbinds, transportData, measureLengths, patterns, stream, offset, offsetStream, terminationStream;
# pbinds, transportData, measureLengths = playbackData[msg[2]];
//patterns = Ppar(pbinds.postln.add(createTransportPattern.value(addr, transportData).postln));
patterns = Ptpar([0, createTransportPattern.value(addr, transportData), 9, Ppar(pbinds)]);
//patterns = Ptpar([0, createTransportPattern.value(addr, transportData), 1 * msg[5]/60.0, createClickPattern.value(transportData, group), 8 + (msg[5]/60.0), Ppar(pbinds)]);
if((msg[6].postln != -1) && (msg[2].postln != "jaendel"), {
var lastItem;
"this still ran".postln;
lastItem = transportData.detectIndex({arg item; item[0] > msg[6]});
transportData = transportData.keep(lastItem + 1);
patterns = Pfpar([
createTransportPattern.value(addr, transportData),
Ptpar([1 * msg[5]/60.0, createClickPattern.value(transportData, group), 8 + (msg[5]/60.0), Ppar(pbinds)])
stream = patterns.asStream;
if(msg[3] == 1, {
@ -383,6 +426,7 @@ s.waitForBoot({
terminationStream = Routine({addr.sendMsg("/transport", 0)});
player = EventStreamPlayer(offsetStream ++ stream ++ terminationStream);
//player = EventStreamPlayer(offsetStream ++ stream);
tempoClock = TempoClock(msg[5]/60.0);;
//, quant:, 0, -2));

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
SynthDef(\noise_fade, {arg amp = 1, fadeTime = 30, gate = 0;[0, 1], *, 1, fadeTime, curve: 'lin'), gate) * amp);
var noiseFade = Synth(\noise_fade);
OSCdef(\noise_fade, {arg msg, time, addr, port;
[msg, time, addr, port].postln;
if(msg[1] == 1, {
noiseFade.set(\gate, 1)
}, {
noiseFade.set(\gate, 0)
}, \noise_fade);
OSCdef(\noise_amp, {arg msg, time, addr, port;
[msg, time, addr, port].postln;
noiseFade.set(\amp, msg[1])
}, \noise_amp);
n = NetAddr("", 57120)
n.sendMsg('/noise_fade', 0)
OSCFunc.trace(bool: true, hideStatusMsg: false)

@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QShortcut
from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeySequence
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QThread, QPoint
import time
import cv2
from picamera2 import MappedArray, Picamera2, Preview
from picamera2.previews.qt import QGlPicamera2
import numpy as np
def rectFromPoint(center, len, width, axis):
rect = ((0, 0), (0, 0))
l = int(len/2)
w = int(width/2)
if(axis == 'x'):
rect = ((center[0] - l, center[1] - w), (center[0] + l, center[1] + w))
elif(axis == 'y'):
rect = ((center[0] - w, center[1] - l), (center[0] + w, center[1] + l))
return rect
def rectsFromPoint(center, l1, l2, l3, w, axis):
centerFine = center
fineInner = rectFromPoint(centerFine, l1, w, axis)
fineOuter = rectFromPoint(centerFine, l2, w, axis)
centerCoarse = center
if(axis == 'x'):
centerCoarse = (center[0], center[1] + w)
elif(axis == 'y'):
centerCoarse = (center[0] + w, center[1])
coarse = rectFromPoint(centerCoarse, l3, w, axis)
return [fineInner, fineOuter, coarse, center]
def moveROI(event, x, y, flags, params):
global roiX, roiY, moving, l1, l2, l3, w, selectedAxis
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
moving = True
elif event==cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
if moving==True:
if(selectedAxis == 'x'):
roiX = rectsFromPoint((x, y), l1, l2, l3, w, selectedAxis)
elif(selectedAxis == 'y'):
roiY = rectsFromPoint((x, y), l1, l2, l3, w, selectedAxis)
elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
moving = False
def crop(frame, rect):
return frame[rect[0][1]:rect[1][1], rect[0][0]:rect[1][0]]
def replaceCrop(frame, rect, crop):
frame[rect[0][1]:rect[1][1], rect[0][0]:rect[1][0]] = crop
def genDKernel(dVal):
return np.ones((dVal, dVal), np.uint8)
def track(frame, roi, dKernel):
exp = 2
roiFineInner, roiFineOuter, roiCourse, roiCenter = roi
cropFineOuter = crop(frame, roiFineOuter)
cropCoarse = crop(frame, roiCourse)
#gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
dilation = cv2.dilate(cropFineOuter, dKernel, iterations=1)
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(dilation,100,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
replaceCrop(frame, roiFineOuter, thresh)
# this could potentially be made more efficient by cropping from cropFineOuter
cropFineInner = crop(frame, roiFineInner)
meanFine = pow(cropFineInner.mean(), exp)
meanCourse = pow(cropCoarse.mean(), 1)
mean = 0
if(meanCourse > 10):
mean = meanFine
distance = pow(255, exp) - mean
return distance
def drawRect(frame, points):
cv2.rectangle(frame, points[0], points[1], (0, 255, 0))
def drawRoi(frame, roi):
for rect in roi[:3]:
drawRect(frame, rect)
center = roi[3]
cv2.line(frame, (center[0] - 5, center[1]), (center[0] + 5, center[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)
cv2.line(frame, (center[0], center[1] - 5), (center[0], center[1] + 5), (0, 255, 0), 1)
def picameraToCVTrack():
global roiX, roiY, moving, l1, l2, l3, w, selectedAxis, dilationKernel, calibrate
while True:
frame = picam2.capture_buffer("lores")
frame = frame[:s1 * h1].reshape((h1, s1))
#frame = picam2.capture_array("lores")
#frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
distanceX = track(frame, roiX, dilationKernel)
distanceY = track(frame, roiY, dilationKernel)
drawRoi(frame, roiX)
drawRoi(frame, roiY)
cv2.putText(frame, "{}: {:.2f}".format("distance x", distanceX), (10, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 255), 3)
cv2.putText(frame, "{}: {:.2f}".format("distance y", distanceY), (10, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 255), 3)
if calibrate:
cv2.imshow("Frame", frame)
#cv2.imshow("Process", tresh)
# Press Q on keyboard to exit
key = cv2.waitKey(20)
#if key == 32:
# cv2.waitKey()
if key == ord('+'):
dilationVal = dilationVal + 1
dilationKernel = genDKernel(dilationVal)
elif key == ord('-'):
if dilationVal > 0:
dilationVal = dilationVal - 1
dilationKernel = genDKernel(dilationVal)
elif key == ord('x'):
selectedAxis = 'x'
elif key == ord('y'):
selectedAxis = 'y'
elif key == ord('c'):
if calibrate:
calibrate = False
calibrate = True
#elif key == ord('q'):
# break
class TrackerThread(QThread):
def __init__(self, target=None):
super().__init__() = target
def run(self):
class MainWindow(QGlPicamera2):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
trackerThread = TrackerThread(target=picameraToCVTrack)
self.shortcut_close_window = QShortcut(QKeySequence('f'), self)
self.move(0, 0)
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
self.oldPos = event.globalPos()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
delta = QPoint (event.globalPos() - self.oldPos)
self.move(self.x() + delta.x(), self.y() + delta.y())
self.oldPos = event.globalPos()
def goFullscreen(self):
if self.isFullScreen():
#self._flags = self.windowFlags()
#self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint | Qt.WindowType_Mask)
picam2 = Picamera2()
#max resolution is (4056, 3040) which is more like 10 fps
config = picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={"size": (2028, 1520)}, lores={"size": (1920, 1440), "format": "YUV420"})
app = QApplication([])
qpicamera2 = MainWindow(picam2, width=1920, height=1440, keep_ar=False)
qpicamera2.setWindowTitle("Qt Picamera2 App")
selectedAxis = 'x'
moving = False
l1 = 100
l2 = 300
l3 = 40
w = 20
roiXCenter = (960, 195)
roiYCenter = (615, 530)
roiX = rectsFromPoint(roiXCenter, l1, l2, l3, w, 'x')
roiY = rectsFromPoint(roiYCenter, l1, l2, l3, w, 'y')
dilationVal = 75
dilationKernel = genDKernel(dilationVal)
calibrate = True
cv2.setMouseCallback("Frame", moveROI)
(w0, h0) = picam2.stream_configuration("main")["size"]
(w1, h1) = picam2.stream_configuration("lores")["size"]
s1 = picam2.stream_configuration("lores")["stride"]

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
\version "2.24.1"
genStaff =
#(define-music-function (parser location part)
(let * ((file (string-append "includes/ammann_part_" part ".ly")))
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #part
shortInstrumentName = #part
\include #file
\paper {
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composer = \markup \right-column {"michael winter" "(schloss solitude, stuttgart and calle monclova 62, mexico city; 2018-19)"}
tagline = ""
#(set-global-staff-size 11)
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
line-width = 17\cm
%ragged-last = ##t
\context {
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\override BarNumber.stencil = #(make-stencil-circler 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print)
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#'((basic-distance . 17 )
(minimum-distance . 17 )
(padding . 0 )
(stretchability . 0))
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\override TimeSignature.X-offset =
\override TimeSignature.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
%\override TimeSignature.after-line-breaking =
% #shift-right-at-line-begin
\override TimeSignature.Y-offset = #9
\override TimeSignature.extra-offset = #'(2 . 0)
\context {
\name "SemiStaffGroup"
\consists "Span_bar_engraver"
\override SpanBar.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(if (string=? (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) "|")
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) ""))
(ly:span-bar::print grob))
\context {
\accepts SemiStaffGroup
\score {
%showLastLength = R1*128
\new Score
%\with{ proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16) }
\new SemiStaffGroup {
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #"3+4↑"
shortInstrumentName = #"3+4↑"
midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
\consists Merge_rests_engraver
\transpose c c
\include "includes/"
\transpose c c,
\include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #"3+4↓"
shortInstrumentName = #"3+4↓"
midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\consists Merge_rests_engraver
\clef bass
\transpose c c
\include "includes/"
\clef bass
\transpose c c,
\include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #"1+2↑"
shortInstrumentName = #"1+2↑"
midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\consists Merge_rests_engraver
\transpose c c
\include "includes/"
\transpose c c,
\include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #"1+2↓"
shortInstrumentName = #"1+2↓"
midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\consists Merge_rests_engraver
\clef bass
\transpose c c
\include "includes/"
\clef bass
\transpose c c,
\include "includes/"
%\genStaff #"0"
%\genStaff #"1"
%\genStaff #"2"
%\genStaff #"3"
%\genStaff #"4"
%\genStaff #"5"
\layout { }
%\midi { }

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
\version "2.24.1"
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4" 'portrait)
top-margin = 1 \cm
bottom-margin = 1 \cm
left-margin = 1.75 \cm
top-system-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 15 )
(minimum-distance . 15 )
(padding . 0 )
(stretchability . 0))
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#'((basic-distance . 15 )
(minimum-distance . 15 )
(padding . 0 )
(stretchability . 0))
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\fontsize #1.5
\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
\header {
title = \markup { \italic {penrose}}
subtitle = \markup { \normal-text { from \italic{a history of the domino the problem}}}
composer = \markup \right-column {"michael winter" "(schloss solitude, stuttgart and calle monclova 62, mexico city; 2018-19)"}
tagline = ""
#(set-global-staff-size 11)
\layout {
indent = 0.0\cm
line-width = 17\cm
%ragged-last = ##t
\context {
%\remove "Mark_engraver"
%\override BarNumber.extra-offset = #'(0 . 4)
\override BarNumber.stencil = #(make-stencil-circler 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print)
\override Stem.stemlet-length = #0.75
%\override = #'none
rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers
\context {
\override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-staff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 13 )
(minimum-distance . 13 )
(padding . 0 )
(stretchability . 0))
%\consists "Mark_engraver"
%\remove "Dot_column_engraver"
%\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
%\remove "Clef_engraver"
%\override StaffSymbol.line-count = #1
%\override = ##t
%\override RestCollision.positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning
\override RehearsalMark.X-offset = #1
\override RehearsalMark.Y-offset = #4
\override VerticalAxisGroup.default-staff-staff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 16 )
(minimum-distance . 16 )
(padding . 0 )
(stretchability . 0))
\override TimeSignature.font-size = #2
\override TimeSignature.break-align-symbol = #'clef
\override TimeSignature.X-offset =
\override TimeSignature.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
%\override TimeSignature.after-line-breaking =
% #shift-right-at-line-begin
\override TimeSignature.Y-offset = #9
\override TimeSignature.extra-offset = #'(2 . 0)
\context {
\name "SemiStaffGroup"
\consists "Span_bar_engraver"
\override SpanBar.stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(if (string=? (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) "|")
(set! (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph-name) ""))
(ly:span-bar::print grob))
\context {
\accepts SemiStaffGroup
\midi { }
%showLastLength = R1*128
\new Score
\new SemiStaffGroup {
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "1"
shortInstrumentName = "1"
midiInstrument = #"flute"
\numericTimeSignature \clef "treble^8" \include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "2"
shortInstrumentName = "2"
midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\numericTimeSignature \include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "3"
shortInstrumentName = "3"
midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\numericTimeSignature \include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "4"
shortInstrumentName = "4"
midiInstrument = #"cello"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\numericTimeSignature \clef bass \include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "5"
shortInstrumentName = "5"
midiInstrument = #"cello"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\numericTimeSignature \clef bass \include "includes/"
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "6"
shortInstrumentName = "6"
midiInstrument = #"cello"
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\numericTimeSignature \clef "bass_8" \include "includes/"

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
a performance-installation
michael winter \\ schloss solitude and cdmx; 2018 - 2019 \\
michael winter \\ schloss solitude, cdmx, and berlin; 2018 - 2023 \\
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ michael winter \\ schloss solitude and cdmx; 2018 - 2019 \\
The tilings sonified and visualized in \textit{a history of the domino problem} are rare because there is no systematic way to find them. This is due to the fact that they are \textit{aperiodic}.\footnote{\url{}} One can think of an aperiodic tiling like an infinite puzzle with a peculiar characteristic. Given unlimited copies of dominoes with a finite set of color/pattern combinations for the edges, there is a solution that will result in a tiling that expands infinitely. However, in that solution, any periodic/repeating structure in the tiling will eventually be interrupted. This phenomenon is one of the most intriguing aspects of the work. As the music and the visuals are derived from the tilings, the resulting textures are always shifting ever so slightly.
The Domino Problem and its corresponding history are somewhat vexing and difficult to describe. The original problem asked if there exists an algorithm/computer program that, when given as input a finite set of dominoes with varying color combinations for the edges, can output a binary answer, `yes' or `no', whether or not copies of that set can form an infinite tiling. The reason why the Domino Problem is inextricably linked to whether or not aperiodic tilings exist is the following. The existence of aperiodic tilings would mean that such an algorithm \textit{does not} exist. The problem was first posed by Hao Wang in 1961. He actually conjectured that aperiodic tilings do not exist. However, in 1966, his student, Robert Berger, proved him wrong by discovering an infinite, aperiodic tiling constructed with copies of a set of 20,426 dominoes. With the original problem solved, mathematicians then took on the challenge of finding the smallest set of dominoes that would construct an infinite aperiodic tiling. Over the past 60 years, this number has been continually reduced until the most recent discovery of a set of 11 dominoes along with a proof that no smaller sets exist. It is a remarkable narrative/history of a particular epistemological problem that challenged a group of people not only to solve it, but to understand it to the extent possible.
The Domino Problem and its corresponding history are somewhat vexing and difficult to describe. The original problem asked if there exists an algorithm/computer program that, when given as input a finite set of dominoes with varying color combinations for the edges, can output a binary answer, `yes' or `no', whether or not copies of that set can form an infinite tiling. The reason why the Domino Problem is inextricably linked to whether or not aperiodic tilings exist is the following. The existence of aperiodic tilings would mean that such an algorithm \textit{does not} exist. The problem was first posed by Hao Wang in 1961. He actually conjectured that aperiodic tilings do not exist. However, in 1964, his student, Robert Berger, proved him wrong by discovering an infinite, aperiodic tiling constructed with copies of a set of 20,426 dominoes. With the original problem solved, mathematicians then took on the challenge of finding the smallest set of dominoes that would construct an infinite aperiodic tiling. Over the past 60 years, this number has been continually reduced until the most recent discovery of a set of 11 dominoes along with a proof that no smaller sets exist. It is a remarkable narrative/history of a particular epistemological problem that challenged a group of people not only to solve it, but to understand it to the extent possible.
The music was composed by writing computer programs that generate and scan the tilings such that musical material and information is correlated with the dominoes. Shifting structures in the tilings are reflected by similarly shifting textures in the music. The musical compositions can act as an accompaniment to the visual component by being performed as interventions within the installation or as singular pieces in concert. The visual component of the piece consists of a kinetic sculpture that displays the tilings using visual cryptography.\footnote{\url{}} In visual cryptography, a message is encrypted by dividing the information of the message into two `shadow' images, each which look completely random independently. The message is decrypted and revealed when the shadow images are combined/overlayed in a precise orientation. The use of visual cryptography to reveal the tilings is yet another reflection of the general motivation of the piece: exploring `how things fit together in unexpected ways'. In \textit{a history of the domino problem}, the message \textit{is} the tilings. The shadow images are printed on photomasks, which are essentially high-resolution transparencies: quartz wafers with a chrome coating etched at a pixel size ranging from nano- to micrometers. I used photomasks for two reasons. One: the Domino Problem is about the limits of computation. What computers can and cannot do. Displaying the tilings using photomasks, which are typically implemented to manufacture computer chips, reflects the concept of the piece through its medium. Two: though the wafers are actually small in size, because they are printed at such high resolution, large portions of the tilings can be displayed. In other words: to go big, sometimes you have to go small. The kinetic sculpture uses a high-precision, motorized multiaxis stage to align the finely printed shadow images and reveal the tilings (along with 3 other images of poetic texts inspired by the history of the Domino Problem). The whole apparatus rests on a light source that illuminates the photomasks, which are then magnified and projected.
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ To automate the alignment, high precision motors are used to move one of the pho
\textbf{Computer code repository and documentation}
As the code is subject to change / improvements, the current state of the is available through a git repository at the following address: \url{}. The repository contains the computer code needed to run the installation along with all the code that generated the musical pieces and all the code / schematics / files to rebuild the installation. Further, this document along with each of the scores is marked with the date it was generated in order to verify it is the most recent version.
As the code is subject to change / improvements, the current state of the code is available through a git repository at the following address: \url{}. The repository contains the computer code needed to run the installation along with all the code that generated the musical pieces and all the code / schematics / files to rebuild the installation. Further, this document along with each of the scores is marked with the date it was generated in order to verify it is the most recent version.
%\textbf{Overview of computer code}

@ -275,18 +275,21 @@ Jaendel-Rao

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\textit{\textbf{a history of the domino problem}} \\
a performance-installation
michael winter \\ schloss solitude, cdmx, berlin; 2018 - 2023 \\
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\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Description / note}
\textbf{Description / note}
\textit{a history of the domino problem} is a performance-installation that traces the history of an epistemological problem in mathematics about how things that one could never imagine fitting together, actually come together and unify in unexpected ways. The work comprises a set of musical compositions and a kinetic sculpture that sonify and visualize rare tilings (or mosaics) constructed from dominoes. The dominoes in these tilings are similar yet slightly different than those used in the popular game of the same name. As opposed to rectangles, they are squares with various color combinations along the edges (which can alternatively also be represented by numbers or patterns).\footnote{\url{}} Like in the game, the rule is that edges of adjacent dominoes in a tiling must match.
The tilings sonified and visualized in \textit{a history of the domino problem} are rare because there is no systematic way to find them. This is due to the fact that they are \textit{aperiodic}.\footnote{\url{}} One can think of an aperiodic tiling like an infinite puzzle with a peculiar characteristic. Given unlimited copies of dominoes with a finite set of color/pattern combinations for the edges, there is a solution that will result in a tiling that expands infinitely. However, in that solution, any periodic/repeating structure in the tiling will eventually be interrupted. This phenomenon is one of the most intriguing aspects of the work. As the music and the visuals are derived from the tilings, the resulting textures are always shifting ever so slightly.
The Domino Problem and its corresponding history are somewhat vexing and difficult to describe. The original problem asked if there exists an algorithm/computer program that, when given as input a finite set of dominoes with varying color combinations for the edges, can output a binary answer, `yes' or `no', whether or not copies of that set can form an infinite tiling. The reason why the Domino Problem is inextricably linked to whether or not aperiodic tilings exist is the following. The existence of aperiodic tilings would mean that such an algorithm \textit{does not} exist. The problem was first posed by Hao Wang in 1961. He actually conjectured that aperiodic tilings do not exist. However, in 1964, his student, Robert Berger, proved him wrong by discovering an infinite, aperiodic tiling constructed with copies of a set of 20,426 dominoes. With the original problem solved, mathematicians then took on the challenge of finding the smallest set of dominoes that would construct an infinite aperiodic tiling. Over the past 60 years, this number has been continually reduced until the most recent discovery of a set of 11 dominoes along with a proof that no smaller sets exist. It is a remarkable narrative/history of a particular epistemological problem that challenged a group of people not only to solve it, but to understand it to the extent possible.
The music was composed by writing computer programs that generate and scan the tilings such that musical material and information is correlated with the dominoes. Shifting structures in the tilings are reflected by similarly shifting textures in the music. The musical compositions can act as an accompaniment to the visual component by being performed as interventions within an exhibition of the installation or as singular pieces in concert. The visual component of the piece consists of a kinetic sculpture that displays the tilings using visual cryptography.\footnote{\url{}} In visual cryptography, a message is encrypted by dividing the information of the message into two `shadow' images, each which look completely random independently. The message is decrypted and revealed when the shadow images are combined/overlayed in a precise orientation. The use of visual cryptography to reveal the tilings is yet another reflection of the general motivation of the piece: exploring `how things fit together in unexpected ways'. In \textit{a history of the domino problem}, the message \textit{is} the tilings. The shadow images are printed on photomasks, which are essentially high-resolution transparencies: quartz wafers with a chrome coating etched at a pixel size ranging from nano- to micrometers. I used photomasks for two reasons. One: the Domino Problem is about the limits of computation. What computers can and cannot do. Displaying the tilings using photomasks, which are typically implemented to manufacture computer chips, reflects the concept of the piece through its medium. Two: though the wafers are actually small in size, because they are printed at such high resolution, large portions of the tilings can be displayed. In other words: to go big, sometimes you have to go small. The kinetic sculpture uses a high-precision, motorized multiaxis stage to align the finely printed shadow images and reveal the tilings (along with 3 other images of poetic texts inspired by the history of the Domino Problem). The whole apparatus rests on a light source that illuminates the photomasks, which are then magnified and projected.
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Installation and performance setting}
\textbf{Installation and performance setting}
As an installation, the apparatus that aligns the image should be centered in a dark room such that observers can view the photomasks up close. Ideally, this should be set up with a teleprompter mirror at a 45 degree angle above the apparatus so that the viewer can see the photomasks without having to bend over. On the other side of the mirror, a video camera is placed such that the resulting projected image aligns with what the viewer sees in the teleprompter mirror. The camera side of the mirror must be darkened out with a cover in order to allow the viewer to only see the reflection of the photomasks. The projection should be as large as possible and at as high a resolution as possible. If possible, the camera should be able to zoom into the images of the tilings to show more detail.
In the installation, recordings of the musical pieces are played back; sometimes randomly and sometimes in sync with the respective tilings from which they were generated. The installation can be augmented (e.g. for an exhibition opening) by live performances of the musical pieces instead of the recordings. If so, direct access to the apparatus should be avoided in order for a situation where the observers can view the projected images and listen to the musical accompaniment in a tranquil and focused environment.
A demo of the apparatus is available at: \url{}.
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Score and premiere performance}
\textbf{Score and premiere performance}
All of the musical pieces are open with respect to instrumentation. This openness coupled with the specificity of the musical material can present challenges when arranging the piece for a given ensemble. The individual instructions for each piece explicate how to deal with potential issues that may arise in the arrangement process. A practice and performance application were also made that synthesizes all the parts, allows volume control for each part, transport/tempo control for each piece, as well as provides both a visual and audio metronome. This application is included in the code repository detailed below.
The piece was premiered in November 2023 by the Hague-based Kali Ensemble: İdil Yunkuş (violin), Giuseppe Sapienza (clarinet), Guillermo Arnedo Frías (clarinet), Beste Yıldız (cello), Joel Gester Suárez (synth), Nirantar Yakthumba (harmonium). Extensive efforts were made to arrange the pieces for the ensemble resulting in a set of unique scores prepared specifically for their instrumentation. As an example, those arrangements are provided after the original scores. Provide below is a list of notes and alterations to the score made for the premiere.
\item The scores for the Kali Ensemble preserve the part order of the original scores. The instrumentation for each part is given before the first system of each score followed by the original part number in parenthesis.
\item To facilitate more pieces being played by the harmonium, Ammann and Jaendel were played with a fundamental of c. The pitch gamut given in the instructions of the original score of both pieces is transposed up a 32/27 minor third. This maintains the naturally occurring c on the cello's lowest string when the strings are tuned by pure 3/2 fifths.
\item All parts played by the harmonium and synthesizer have been rewritten to the nearest pitch in 12-tone equal temperament as opposed to the nearest pitch in 24-tone equal temperament as in the original score.
\item The clarinet parts are written transposed and not as sounds.
\item For Berger and Ammann, all parts not played by the ensemble were played with synthesized realizations.
\item For Jaendel, the ensemble played the drone version with the electronic realization. As such, a Kali-specific version of Jaendel is not provided.
\item In Kari, the high e (written f-sharp) in the clarinet part was transposed down an octave and the cello and string parts were played all with natural harmonics.
\item The violin player used a mute for Robinson and Penrose.
A very special thanks to Nirantar Yakthumba for the generous amount of time he dedicated to bring these pieces to life.
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Photomask alignment}
\textbf{Photomask alignment}
Between the two photomasks, there are nine embedded images which can be seen at nine precise orientation organized in a 3 x 3 grid. The image area is surrounded by Moire pattern and Vernier markings to aid in the alignment. Provided below are a description of each of these markings.
\item [unidimensional Verniers:] These are the most useful markings for image alignment. For each axis, there are a set of coarse Verniers (bordering the image) and a set of fine Verniers (further from the image) which move 5 times the speed of the coarse Veniers. Every time an image is aligned the white blob will be centered in both the coarse and fine Verniers. These markings essentially amplify and scale the distance between the image (640 microns) and can be used by a motion tracker in a closed-loop alignment system. Rotational alignment can be achieved by aligning all verniers on the same axis (e.g., both the left and right side at the same horizontal position).
\item [multidimenional Verniers:] These are Verniers that are centered in a two-dimenional space everytime an image is focused.
\item [linear Moire grating:] These gratings can be used to make sure that the plates are aligned rotationally (resulting in a completely monochrome bar without any patterns). However, using the unidimensional verniers as explained above is likely more effective.
\item [circular Moire grating:] These gratings best represent the grid of the images. When an image is aligned, the respective grating on the grid will be dark. The number of fringes denotes the accuracy of the alignment (none means perfectly aligned).
High precision optical stages are used for the alignment of the wafers. Ideally, the wafers are not touching (separated by a few microns). If the wafers touch, they will degrade over time as they move across each other. However, it is very difficult to achieve perfect alignment without the photomasks touching as the they need to be aligned in all 6 degrees of freedom ($x$, $y$, $z$, $\theta x$, $\theta y$, and $\theta z$) in order for the resulting image to be properly produced. Only the $x$ and $y$ axis need to be moved to find the images once all the other degrees of freedom are set accurately.
%The original setup is as follows. Each of the photomasks are mounted onto tilt stages to be able to align the masks together rotationally (note that a more ideal setup would use goniometer stages). One of the tilt / goniometer stages is then affixed to a stage with 3 degrees of freedom: $x$, $y$, and $z$. The other is fixed directly to an optical breadboard.
To automate the alignment, high precision motors are used to move one of the photomasks on the $x$ and $y$ axes. Ideally, two more motors can be implemented: one to compensate for rotational misalignment and the other to separate the plates on the $z$ axis when traveling between images. In the original setup, the high precision motors are stepper motors. If the photomasks are not touching, an open-loop system can be used to automate alignment. That is, the accuracy of the step count of the motors should be sufficient for alignment. However, if the photomasks need to touch in order to produce the resulting images (as is the often the case with the original setup), the friction between the two photomasks will cause inaccuracies in an open-loop system. To compensate for this, the Vernier markings can be tracked optically (using motion-tracking software or opto-interrupts) in order to create a closed-loop system. The software used to automate the system and control the motors is included in the code repository detailed below.
% \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{selects/maquinalit\string_cp.jpg}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Computer code repository and documentation}
\textbf{Computer code repository and documentation}
As the code is subject to change / improvements, the current state of the code is available through a git repository at the following address: \url{}. The repository contains the computer code needed to run the installation along with all the code that generated the musical pieces and all the code / schematics / files to rebuild the installation. Further, this document along with each of the scores is marked with the date it was generated in order to verify it is the most recent version.
%\textbf{Overview of computer code}
%As the code is subject to change / improvements, the current state of the code is available through a git repository at the following address: \url{}. The repository contains the computer code needed to run the installation along with all the code that generated the musical pieces and all the code / schematics / files to rebuild the installation. Further, this document along with each of the scores is marked with the date it was generated in order to verify it is the most recent version.
%The repository is organized by the various languages / formats used to generate the musical pieces and visualizations as well as control the installation. To start, I will focus on the software needed to control the installation which includes four basic components:
%\item A SuperCollider program with the filename \url{installation_control.scd}.
%\item A GUI interface written using Open Stage Control with the filename %\url{installation_control_gui.json}
%\item A motion tracker written in Python using OpenCV to track the Verniers for a closed-loop system with the filename \url{}
%\item Arduino code to communicate between Supercollider and the stepper-motor drivers with the filename\\ \url{multistepper.ino}
%In the original setup, the Arduino code is loaded onto the Arduino and the three other programs are loaded and launched on a computer (e.g., a Raspberry Pi) connected to the Arduino to control the system. The SuperCollider program is the main control center. Both the GUI and the motion tracker (which takes in video input from the video camera) communicate to the SuperCollider program through OSC messages, which, in turn, sends serial messages to the Arduino to control the stepper motors via the stepper motor drivers. The Arduino code not only sends messages to the stepper motor drivers, but also takes input signals from the limit switches of the motors to ensure that the motors are not destroyed by running into a hard stop.
%All the other code (primarily written in SuperCollider) was written to generate the musical pieces as well as the visualizations and is maintained in the repository for reference. For the musical pieces, the SuperCollider code generates electronic realizations of the compositions and Lilypond files for generation of the musical scores.
%The photomasks were printed from the GDSII file format (\url{*.gds}). The workflow consisted of \url{*.png} generated by SuperCollider and then formatted into \url{*.gds} files using the Python KLayout API. However, all that is needed to reprint the photomasks are the files \url{wafer_1.gds} and \url{wafer_2.gds}. Note that the the \url{*.gds} files along with all larger files are archived in a code releases available at \url{}. Again, all the other files in the repository are maintained for reference.
\textbf{Appendix: partial historical timeline of the domino problem, selected bibliography, acknowledgments, and tiling images}
17th century & Leibniz & pioneer of binary arithmetic and the idea of computing machines \\
ca 1928 & Hilbert & posed the original ``Entsheidungsproblem'' \\
ca 1931 & Goedel & first showed that their exists truths that are undecidable with a finite set of axioms \\
ca 1936 & Turing & invented the concept of the modern day computer and showed its limits yet was unfortunately persecuted for his sexuality despite being a key figure in the triumph of the allied nations against the nazi regime
conjecture and first proof:\\
ca 1961 & Wang & conjectured that aperiodic tilings of the plane did not exist \\
ca 1964 & Berger & showed that an aperiodic set of 20000+ tiles exist (using his method this was quickly reduced to 104 then 92 by Berger and Knuth, respectively)
first wave of reduction:\\
ca 1971 & Robinson \& Lauchli & 56 and 40 tiles, respectively; using a similar technique of tiling arbitrarily large squares discovered independently
second wave of reduction:\\
ca 1986 & Penrose \& Amman & 32 and 16 tiles, respectively; using a method that translates different, non-squared aperiodic tiles into Wang tiles
third wave of reduction:\\
ca 1996 & Kari \& Culik & 13 tiles using an new construction with aperiodic integer sequences
final reduction\\
ca 2015 & Jaendel \& Rao & 11 tiles with an incredible computer-assisted proof that no smaller aperiodic sets exist
A special thanks to: Alice Koegel, Ana Filipovic\textsuperscript{$*$}, Angela Butterstein\textsuperscript{}, Anita Carey-Yard\textsuperscript{}, Aykan Safoğlu\textsuperscript{$*$}, Bjoern Gottstein, Charis von Ristok\textsuperscript{}, Christof Pruss, Daniela Kern-Michler\textsuperscript{§}, David Frühauf\textsuperscript{$*$}, David Mathews\textsuperscript{$*$}, Deborah Walker, Denise Helene Sumi\textsuperscript{$*$}, Didier Aschour, Edith Lázár\textsuperscript{$*$}, Elena Morena Weber\textsuperscript{$*$}, Elke aus dem Moore\textsuperscript{}, Elmar Mellert, Florian Hoelscher, Gaetan Borot, Helmut Dietz\textsuperscript{}, Irasema Fernandez, Johanna Markert\textsuperscript{$*$}, Julian Hartbaum\textsuperscript{}, Konstantin Lom\textsuperscript{}, Leon Müllner\textsuperscript{$*$}, Luise Boege\textsuperscript{$*$}, Lukas Ludwig\textsuperscript{$*$}, Luke Wilkins\textsuperscript{$*$}, Marieanne Roth\textsuperscript{}, Mathias Irmsher\textsuperscript{}, Mitra Wakil\textsuperscript{$*$}, Patrizia Bach\textsuperscript{$*$}, Philip Mecke\textsuperscript{$*$}, Robert Blatt\textsuperscript{$*$}, Sander Wickersheim\textsuperscript{}, Savyon\textsuperscript{$*$}, Silke Pflüger\textsuperscript{}, Sílvia das Fadas\textsuperscript{$*$}, Simar Preet Kaur\textsuperscript{$*$}, Sonja Flury\textsuperscript{}, Sophia Guggenberger\textsuperscript{$*$}, Sophie-Charlotte Thieroff\textsuperscript{}, Stephan Martens\textsuperscript{}, Susanna Flock\textsuperscript{$*$}, Tom Rosenberg\textsuperscript{$*$}, Vincenzo Talluto\textsuperscript{§}, and Yuval Shenhar\textsuperscript{$*$}.
* denotes contemporary resident at Akademie Schloss Solitude\\
† denotes Akademie Schloss Solitude staff\\
‡ denotes Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart staff\\
§ denotes Newport Optics staff\\
version generated: \today
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Tiling images}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{sectionnopage}{Original Scores}
\phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{sectionnopage}{Scores adapted for premiere with Kali Ensemble}

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\override TextScript.staff-padding = #1
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\accidentalStyle dodecaphonic
%\transpose a c'
%\transposePitchClasses {a b cis dih e fih geh gis} {a b cis dis e f g gis}
\relative c' {
c4^\markup{ \center-align{+0}}
d4^\markup{ \center-align{+4}}
e4^\markup{ \center-align{-14}}
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bes4^\markup{ \center-align{-31}}
b4^\markup{ \center-align{-12}}

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\textit{\textbf{ammann}} \\
from \textit{a history of the domino problem}\\
for 4 to 8 sustaining instruments
The ensemble can play any 4 or more parts (preferably as many as possible) and any 6 or more adjacent sections. If the ensemble starts after the first section (the 2nd through 13th sections), the performers should start on the first note that has an onset within the first measure of the section (replacing the tied note from the last measure of the previous section with a rest). If ending before the final section (the 8th through 19th sections), the last note of each part should be the note tied over from the penultimate measure of the section. Each part should be as distinct in timbre as possible.
All the parts are notated within one octave. Written above each note is an up or down arrow indicating whether the pitch be played high or low. That is, in each part, each pitch-class can occur in one of two ways: in either a higher register or a lower one (the up / down arrows should be interpreted in the same respective register throughout). Which registers are selected for each note in each part is open, but should be selected such that there is some overlap / pitch duplications among the parts and some separation. Limiting the overlap will naturally stratify the registers of the parts. The part number should generally correspond to its relative register (i.e. part 2 should be generally higher than part 1). The ensemble can explore replacing pitches of one to two of the parts with various non-pitched percussion instruments with relatively long decays. The up and down arrows would then be interpreted as two different types of the same instrument (e.g. two sizes of triangles).
The pitches of the piece are derived from a rational tuning systems based on the harmonic series. The notes in the score may be interpreted to the nearest quarter-tone (as written), or preferably with the following cent deviations given from the nearest pitch in 12-tone equal temperament.
*This piece is part of a large-scale performance-installation titled \textit{a history of the domino problem}. It may be played alone or alongside other pieces from \textit{a history of the domino problem}. Instructions are given in the score detailing the superordinate, large-scale work.
michael winter\\
(schloss solitude, stuttgart and calle monclova 62, mexico city; 2018-19)\\
version generated: \today

@ -6,19 +6,11 @@
\SetWatermarkColor[rgb]{1, 0.6, 0.6}
@ -34,7 +26,9 @@ for sustaining instruments
Provided are scores for two versions of this piece: reduced and full. The instructions for the pieces are essentially the same but the reduced version allows for fewer instrumental resources.
Each part is notated in two `voices': one below the center line and one above. Together, the various combinations indicate 4 ways of producing a pitched-tone which means that each pitch must be able to be played in one of the 4 following ways. 1) a rest written on the center line between the two voice indicates silence, 2) and 3) a rest in one voice with a note in the other indicates to produce the tone in one way or the other pending in which voice the note is given, and 4) a note above and below the center line indicates that both ways of producing the tone must be played together. As such, each part must be taken by an instrument that can play the same pitch in two ways at the same time; e.g. a double stop on a stringed instrument. Or, two instruments can be assigned to the same part; one playing the upper voice and the other playing the lower voice. For the latter, if the instruments are similar in timbre, they should be dislocated in space to give further distinction between the two voice. Another option is to use electronics and / or amplification to create the voice distinction; e.g. the performer sustains the tone throughout the piece and the 4 types of distinctions are as follows: 1) a rest written on the center line between the two voice indicates no amplification, 2) and 3) a rest in one voice with a note in the other indicates that the tone is amplified in either the left or right speaker pending in which voice the note is given, and 4) a note above and below the center line indicates that the tone is amplified through both speakers. The ensemble can explore other simple methods of distinction using one instrument per part (e.g. four dynamic levels or four tremolo speeds), but the previous options are preferred.
Each part is notated in two `voices': one below the center line and one above. Together, the various combinations indicate 4 ways of producing a pitched-tone which means that each pitch must be able to be played in one of the 4 following ways. 1) a rest written on the center line between the two voice indicates silence, 2) and 3) a rest in one voice with a note in the other indicates to produce the tone in one way or the other pending in which voice the note is given, and 4) a note above and below the center line indicates that both ways of producing the tone must be played together. As such, each part must be taken by an instrument that can play the same pitch in two ways at the same time; e.g. a double stop on a stringed instrument. Or, two instruments can be assigned to the same part; one playing the upper voice and the other playing the lower voice. For the latter, if the instruments are similar in timbre, they should be dislocated in space to give further distinction between the two voice.
Another option is to use electronics and / or amplification to create the voice distinction; e.g. the performer sustains the tone throughout the piece and the 4 types of distinctions are as follows: 1) a rest written on the center line between the two voice indicates no amplification, 2) and 3) a rest in one voice with a note in the other indicates that the tone is amplified in either the left or right speaker pending in which voice the note is given, and 4) a note above and below the center line indicates that the tone is amplified through both speakers. The ensemble can explore other simple methods of distinction using one instrument per part (e.g. four dynamic levels or four tremolo speeds), but the previous options are preferred. This option can also be synthesized completely while the ensemble performing a drone in which each performer individually swells in and out of tones with pitches that are octave equivalents of harmonics of the fundamental (generally preferring octaves in which that harmonic is naturally occurring).
The ensemble can choose to perform any 4 or more sections (preferable more / all). Note that the sections are offset for each successively entering voice. The entrance and exit of each note should be rather abrupt / binary. However, the part as a whole should fade in at the beginning of a section and fade out at the end of a section. Crescendo and decrescendo markings indicate the start of the fade which should last 4 measures from the mark. If the (de)crescendo markings are given where there are rests on the center line, there may not be a fade at all if a centered rest is interpreted as silence. The peak amplitude should be quite present and equal for all parts.

@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
g4^\markup{ \center-align{+2}}
beh4^\markup{ \center-align{+19}}
aih4^\markup{ \center-align{+19}}

@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
aeh4^\markup{ \center-align{-9}}
beh4^\markup{ \center-align{+19}}
aih4^\markup{ \center-align{+19}}

@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
\SetWatermarkColor[rgb]{1, 0.6, 0.6}
%\SetWatermarkColor[rgb]{1, 0.6, 0.6}
%\SetWatermarkText{UNFINISHED DRAFT}

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