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mwinter 4a399ff43d tweaking ammann synth back to long attack
arduino/multistepper motions tracking now plucked in - still needs work
gds rebasing for gitea
klayout rebasing for gitea
latex updating readme
live_utilities tweaking ammann synth back to long attack
openstagecontrol motions tracking now plucked in - still needs work
python motions tracking now plucked in - still needs work
recs rebasing for gitea
score major cleanup and development of tracker
supercollider motions tracking now plucked in - still needs work
visualizations rebasing for gitea
LICENSE rebasing for gitea
README.txt updating readme


a history of the domino problemo

Note that all large files are within the attachment of the code release. The photomasks were printed from the GDSII file format (*.gds). The workflow consisted of *.png generated by SuperCollider and then formatted into *.gds files using the Python KLayout API. However, all that is needed to reprint the photomasks are the files wafer_1.gds and wafer_2.gds.

As more extensive documentation of the interface is written it will be posted here in this README.