updating readme

mwinter 2 years ago
parent 5de21610de
commit 3bf57024c2

@ -2,80 +2,40 @@
Repo for my personal website. Repo for my personal website.
# install ubuntu server 18.04 If you have the keys to my castle, you should be able to archive the entire top level folder, move everything to another server and just deploy with:
# https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-server#0 docker-compose up -d
# update
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
# install docker and docker-compose
# https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-18-04
# https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-docker-compose-on-ubuntu-18-04
# enable ufw and set rules
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
sudo ufw enable
# make unboundedpress directory But that is being pretty optimistic.
mkdir unboundedpress
cd unboundedpress
# pull git repo In the docker-compose.yml file, there are detailed notes of non-automatic steps that need to be taken, especially for deploying from scratch.
# change dir name (the git repo is unboundedpress but make it www) Here are some useful tips.
mv ~/unboundedpress/unboundedpress ~/unboundedpress/www
# put in sensitive data in all the *.template files and The current server is running on ubuntu server 22.04/
# install everything
docker-compose up -d
# NEXTCLOUD # Running on docker. Here are some install tips.
# update nextcloud since the dbs were initialized to handle 4-byte characters # https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-ubuntu-22-04
docker exec -it mariadb mysql -u root -p # https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-docker-compose-on-ubuntu-22-04
use nextcloud;
set global innodb_file_format=Barracuda;
set global innodb_large_prefix=on;
ALTER DATABASE nextcloud CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
docker-compose exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ config:system:set mysql.utf8mb4 --type boolean --value="true"
docker-compose exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ maintenance:repair
# GITEA # There are two .env files that are the same and go at the top level folder and again in portfolio/src. Templates are provided.
# install gitea through the web-interface and create and fill in Administrator Account Settings
# this might make nginx time out, but that should be ok. It is still running scripts server side
# set ROOT_URL in gitea/gitea/app.ini and restart container
ROOT_URL = https://gitea.unboundedpress.org
# migrate repose from github
# UNBOUNDEDPRESS # Here are a list of the service
# example of restoring the mongodb # Main components
# move database backup to unboundedpress/mongodb_backup porfolio - node server and frontend for my porfilio that uses mongo backend
docker exec -it mongo bash mongo - houses the data of my portfolio
mongorestore --host localhost --port 27017 -d unboundedpress -u username -p password --authenticationDatabase admin /backup/db_dump_2019_07_12/unboundedpress restheart - api to feed data from mongo to portfolio (though there are some end points built into the node app)
# here is an example of a file upload: gitea - my code repository
curl -v -u user:pass -X POST -F 'properties={"filename":"filename"}' -F "file=@filepath_here" https://restheart.unboundedpress.org/unboundedpress/scores.files mysql-gitea - databse for gitea
# TODO: example of mongodb dump nginx-proxy - reverse proxy for everything
mongodump --host localhost --port 27017 -d unboundedpress -o /backup/db_dump_2020_03_30 -u username -p password --authenticationDatabase admin acme-companion - lets encrypt certificate manager
# TODO: examples of the nextcloud and gitea dump and restore
# TODO: maybe try to add some kind of caching
# TODO: consider making mongodb a replica set
# TODO: example of restheart file upload
# SERVER MAINTANENCE # Extra components
# update dynamic dns script and make cron (currently in /etc/cron.hourly/update_dns nextcloud
#!/bin/bash mysql-nextcloud
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=unboundedpress.org&ip=" # Here are some useful tips for mongo
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=www.unboundedpress.org&ip=" # dump and restore example:
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=restheart.unboundedpress.org&ip=" mongodump --host localhost --port 27017 -d unboundedpress -o /backup/db_dump_2023_04_07 -u username -p password --authenticationDatabase admin
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=gitea.unboundedpress.org&ip=" mongorestore --host localhost --port 27017 -d portfolio -u username -p password --authenticationDatabase admin /db_backups/db_dump_2023_04_07/unboundedpress
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=nextcloud.unboundedpress.org&ip=" # here is an example of a file upload through restheart:
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=dev.unboundedpress.org&ip=" curl -v -u user:pass -X POST -F 'properties={"filename":"filename"}' -F "file=@filepath_here" https://unboundedpress.org/api/scores.files
<<<<<<< HEAD
curl "https://api.1984.is/1.0/freedns/?apikey={{{KEY}}}&domain=express.unboundedpress.org&ip="
# Backups are done using rsnapshot (currently in /etc/cron.weekly/backup.sh)
# Backups are done using rsnapshot (currently in /etc/cron.weekly/backup)
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