
ostinato and interrupt
Mark Reid Bulatović - guitar
Harmonie Universelle
Harmonie Universelle
Remembering Clive Wearing
ostinato and interrupt
Ensemble Liminar
James Aylward - bassoon
James Aylward - bassoon
a history of the domino problem
ida for amy
Lucie Nezri - piano
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar
Manfred Werder - reader
a lot of tiles (trivial scan)
steady state
Irasema Fernandez - reader
Michael Winter - reader
a history of the domino problem
Kali Ensemble
a history of the domino problem
Kali Ensemble
lower limit
Cristián Alvear - guitar
Diego Castro - guitar
Counterfeiting in Colonial Connecticut
Elliot Simpson - guitar
remembering clive wearing
Michael Winter - reader, lights, computer
ida for amy
Lucie Nezri - piano
Edgars Rubenis - guitar
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar
Ernests Vilsons - reader
Rihards Plešanovs - piano
a chance happening...
Rihards Plešanovs - piano
partition and gate
ostinato and interrupt
edgars rubenis - guitar
edgars rubenis - guitar
order matters
seeds and ledgers (abstract)
a lot of tiles (trivial scan)
Elliot Simpson - guitar
for gregory chaitin
Michael Winter - piano
Quentin Tolimieri - piano
Elliot Simpson - guitar
Gemma Munoz - flute
OEIN Orquesta Experimental de Instrumentos Nativos junto a Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Bolivia
dawning (redux)
Bastien Pouillès - accordion
dawning (redux)
Bastien Pouillès - accordion
partition and gate
Leslee Smucker - violin
Hilde Wollenstein - clarinet
Richard Hughes - cello
Remembering Clive Wearing
Counterfeiting in Colonial Connecticut
Elliot Simpson - guitar
ostinato and interrupt
Matthias Koole - guitar
partition and gate
Manuel Lima - flute
Lucio Capese - swanee
Michael Winter - harmonic
Rise I from 4 Ascents for James Tenney
Elena Perales Andreu - clarinet
Carolina Santiago Martínez - piano
Hannah Wirnsperger - flute
Camila Nebbia - tenor saxophone
Andro Manzoni - electronics
Bastien Pouillès - accordion
a great conjunction: having not played a concert all year
Remembering Clive Wearing
Michael Winter - reader, electronics
Ensemble Daedalus
for Sol LeWitt
Sergio Cote Barco - melodica
Joshua Biggs - synthesizer
Miles Jefferson Friday - synthesizer
John Eagle - french horn
Morgan Evans-Weiler - violin
a lot of tiles (trivial scan)
for gregory chaitin
Michael Winter - piano
ostinato and interrupt
Michael Winter - guitar
quieting rooms
4 computer music studies
ostinato and interrupt
Elliot Simpson - guitar
Michael Winter - guitar, electronics
Remembering Clive Wearing
Michael Winter - electronics
Remembering Clive Wearing
Michael Winter - electronics
generator and metal
Michael Winter - metal
Robert Blatt - metal
Janneke van der Puttin - metal
Hannah Liya - metal
Luke Wilkins - metal
Zina Vaessen - metal
Hasan Mashni - metal
a lot of tiles (trivial scan)
Ensamble Liminar
Remembering Clive Wearing
Michael Winter - electronics
4 computer music studies
Michael Winter - computer
Remembering Clive Wearing
Michael Winter - reader
a prehistory of the domino problem
quieting rooms
Elliot Simpson - guitar
steady state: a study in taxation
Samuel Vriezen - reader
Dante Boon - reader
quieting rooms
preliminary thoughts
Robert Blatt - guitar
Michael Winter - reading
curved bow and negative
Anton Lukoszevieze - cello
order matters
ostinato and interrupt
Ensamble Liminar
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Nuntempe Ensamble
remembering clive wearing
for gregory chaitin
remembering clive wearing
partition and gate
ostinato and interrupt
remembering clive wearing
just above and/or below the waterline...
6daEXIt Improvisation Ensemble
pedal, triangle machine, and (perhaps) coda
Ensamble Liminar with Friends of MATA
mercado san juan
Michael Winter - cartographer
order matters
Michael Winter - reader, objects
reading piece for library or bookstore
fade and aviary
Experimental Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments
ostinato and interrupt
Lamentations I: Remembering Clive Wearing
Ensamble Liminar
A Gaussian Canon
partition and gate
Casey Anderson - saxophone
Stephanie Smith - violin
Michael Winter - harmonica
ostinato and interrupt
Michael Winter - guitar, computer
Lamentations I: Remembering Clive Wearing
Michael Winter - speaker, computer
Alan Gutiérrez - viola
Pablo Quiñónez - cello
Alejandro Gómez Angulo - bass
many many
for Sol LeWitt
Andrew Smith - guitar, fishing line
flight path
Carolina Llerena - harmonica
Michael Winter - harmonica
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Nuntempe Ensamble
4 computer music studies
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Nuntempe Ensamble
quieting rooms
Michael Winter - computer
to hum and walk
Michael Winter - voice, computer
Shiram Otálora - voice
partition and gate
Michael Winter - computer, harmonica
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - computer, guitar
for gregory chaitin
Michael Winter - objects
Michael Winter - guitar
quieting rooms
Michael Winter - computer
partition and gate
Michael Winter - computer, harmonica
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - computer, guitar
John Eagle - guitar
quieting rooms
John Eagle - computer
preliminary thoughts
Gaudenz Badrutt - computer
Bryan Eubanks - reader
Stefan Thut - guitar
4 computer music studies
Michael Winter - computer
field and perfect circuit
Ensamble Lote
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Nuntempe Ensamble
lower limit
Cristian Alvear - guitar
Vicente Araya - guitar
in tone
Edges Ensemble
small world
Edges Ensemble
preliminary thoughts
Cristian Alvear - guitar
Michael Winter - computer
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Nuntempe Ensamble
fade and aviary
Michael Winter - computer
delayGraph pre-alpha
Michael Winter - computer
Cristian Alvear - guitar
Michael Winter - guitar, speaker, computer
for gregory chaitin
Cristian Alvear - guitar
Michael Winter - piano
field and perfect circuit (redux)
Cristian Alvear - guitar
Michael Winter - guitar, computer
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar, computer
Peter Berman - bass
Kevin Farrell - bass
Daniel Stein - bass
fade and aviary
Michael Winter - computer
delayGraph pre-alpha
Michael Winter - computer
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar
Biliana Voutchkova - violin
Matthias Kaiser - violin
Dušica Cajlan-Wissel - piano
Michael Winter - guitar
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - speaker
Brett Thompson - guitar
Joe Houston - piano
Evelyn Saylor - voice
Rishin Singh - trombone
Morgan Evans-Weiler - violin
Michael Winter - guitar
quieting rooms
Michael Winter - computer
fade and aviary
Michael Winter - computer
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar, computer
just above and/or below the waterline...
Manfred Werder - plant matter
Michael Winter - plant matter
preliminary thoughts
Manfred Werder - speaker
Michael Winter - guitar
for gregory chaitin
Philip Thomas - piano
Michael Winter - guitar
for Sol LeWitt
Philip Thomas - organ
Scott McLaughlin - cello
Michael Winter - piano
piano machine
Philip Thomas - piano
small world
Philip Thomas - various objects
Scott McLaughlin - various objects
Asher Leverton - various objects
Jo Kennedy - various objects
Daniel Chadwin - various objects
Michael Winter - various objects
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
Michael Winter - Guitar
Mira Benjamin - Violin
Angharad Davies - Viola
Dominic Lash - Bass
room and seams
Anton Lukoszevieze - Chime
Tim Parkinson - Chime
Laura Steenberge - Chime
Michael Winter - Chime
Mira Benjamin - Violin
Angharad Davies - Viola
for Sol LeWitt
Mira Benjamin - Violin
John Lely - Computer
for gregory chaitin
Open Score Lab
Pablo Boltshauser - guitar
Elliot Simpson - guitar
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Ensemble Modelo62
economy study (in one dimension)
Samuel Vriezen - piano
for gregory chaitin
Ensemble Modelo62
Elliot Simpson - guitar
Samuel Vriezen - piano
chorale and finely tuned resonators
Ensemble Modelo62
economy study (in one dimension)
Samuel Vriezen - piano
preliminary thoughts
Ensemble Modelo62
partition and gate
Ensemble Dedalus
Ensemble Dedalus
preliminary thoughts
Ensemble Dedalus
minor third abstract
Michael Winter - piano
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
economy study
Samuel Vriezen - piano
just above and/or below the waterline...
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
partition and gate
Michael Winter - harmonica and computer
Alexander Bruck - viola
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
generator, hierarchical dust, and necklaces
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
single track
Ensamble Liminar
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
partition and gate
Michael Winter - harmonica and computer
generator, hierarchical dust, and necklaces
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
for gregory chaitin
Liliana Rodríguez Alvarado - piano
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
Michael Winter - ukulele and computer
preliminary thoughts
Michael Winter - guitar and computer
to hum and walk
Carmina Escobar - voice and computer
to walk and ponder
Andrew McIntosh - viola
Jake Rosenzwieg - bass
Laura Steenberge - bass
Scott Worthington - bass
to walk and ponder and tergiversate
Performered by Andrew McIntosh, Laura Steenberge, Jake Rosenzweig, and Scott Worthington
dissection and field
Performed by David Kant, Cat Lamb and Andrew Smith.
mass and band
Performed by Brian Parks and Colleen Thorburn.
mass and band, subset canon
as part of The Music Uncertainty Series. Performed by Max Heath, Brian Parks and Colleen Thorburn.
sort I
as part of The Music Uncertainty Series.
line and cipher
Performed by The Dogstar Orchestra.
for gregory chaitin
Installed by Stefan Thut.
room and seams
as part of the wulf.@ Moca Sunday Studio. Performed by Mark So, Scott Cazan, Liam Mooney, Corey Fogel, Ezra Buchla, Eric Clark, Laura Steenberge, and Heather Lockie
maximum change
Performed by Casey Anderson, Matt Cook, Laura Steenberge and Mark So.
as part of The Collage Ensemble Inc. Ear Meal Webcast.
field and perfect circuit
as part of The Music and Mathematics Work Group Lecture and Concert Tour.
maximum change; A Meditation for Solo Piano, field and perfect circuit
as part of The Music and Mathematics Work Group Lecture and Concert Tour.
sort I
as part of The Music and Mathematics Work Group Lecture and Concert Tour. Performed by Brian Parks.
sort I, 20 arrows 9 dashes, one|two|one
With Ezra Buchla, Corey Fogel and Laura Steenberge.
a meditation for solo piano; A Gaussian Canon; piano machine; field and perfect circuit; pedal, triangle machine, and (perhaps) coda; for gregory chaitin
scene++; subset canon
as part of The Experimental Music Yearbook; Performed by Christine Tavolacci and Brendan Nguyen.
Performed by Christine Tavolacci.
room and seams ; for gregory chaitin
as part of The Music We'D Like To Hear Series 2010.
room and seams
Performed by Ensemble 303.
room and seams
Performed by Ensemble 303.
Approximating Omega
Performed by The Dogstar Orchestra.
field and perfect circuit; pedal, triangle machine, and (perhaps) coda
Performed by Casey Anderson, Matt Barbier, Nathan Brown, Eric Km Clark, Corey Fogel, Orin Hildestad, Cat Lamb, Laura Steenberge, Mark So, Christine Tavolacci and Tashi Wada.
room and seams
as part of The Second Installation of Architectures of Sound, Curated by David Kant and Cameron Hu.
for Sol LeWitt
Performed by Red Light New Music.
Perspectives I
as part of The Mata Interval Series - Architectures of Sound; Performed by Casey Anderson, David Kant, Aaron Meicht and Phil Rodriguez.
a chance happening...
as part of The Huddersfield New Music Festival; Performed by Philip Thomas.
for gregory chaitin
the wulf.@ The Stone.
field and perfect circuit
Performed by The Transit Ensemble.
recitation, code, and (perhaps) round
as part of The 2009 Ostrava Days New Music Festival; Performed by Canticum Ostrava.
field and perfect circuit
as part of The Ostrava Days New Music Festival; Performed by Joe Kudirka, Sam Sfirri, Taylan Susam, and David Kant.
for Sol LeWitt
Performed by The Dogstar Orchestra.
for gregory chaitin
as part of The Inside-Out Showcase.
for gregory chaitin
sort I
Performed by The Sisters Streb.
towards completeness; dissection and field
Performed by Beardman and Friends.
small world
as part of The Nothing New Conference; Performed by The Edges Ensemble.
room and seams
Performed by The Sem Ensemble.
as part of The Silence: 4'33" and Beyond Series Curated by Jason Brogan.
20 arrows 9 dashes
as part of The Miscroscore Project @ Artsaha! Festival; Performed by Johnny Chang and Jessica Catron.
a chance happening...
Performed by Danny Holt.
20 arrows 9 dashes
as part of The Microscore Project @ the wulf.; Performed by Johnny Chang and Jessica Catron.
for orin hildestad
as part of The Flag Day Experimental Barbecue; Performed by Christa Graf, Orin Hildestad and Cassia Streb.
Performed by The Dogstar Orchestra.
Rise I from 4 Ascents for James Tenney
as part of The Los Angeles Microfest.
Telot's Crystal
as part of The Cremate Concert.
resonance i
Performed by James Orsher.
Transplanting 06.11.07-06.17.07
Performed by Guthrie and Streb.
maximum change
Performed by The Sem Ensemble.
after a koan
Performed by Eric Km Clark.
Streams I
as part of The 2007 Ostrava Days New Music Festival; Performed by Ostravská Banda.
1 sample, x people, y seconds
as part of The Studio Apartment Series; Performed by Orin Hildestad and Mark So.
a chance happening...
Performed by Danny Holt.
as part of The Studio Apartment Series; Performed by Eric Clark, Christa Graf and Orin Hildestad.
in tone
as part of The Studio Apartment Series; Performed by Christa Graf, Orin Hildestad and Tashi Wada
Performed by The Locrian Players.
Performed by The Now Ensemble.
Sort 1
as part of The Noise in The System Series; Performed by Wayla Chambo.
for michael pisaro
as part of The Tender Buttons Concert.
in tone; Sort I
as part of The 1st Annual Concert of The Society of Automatic Music Notators; Performed by Samn.
lecture on infinity
Performed by James Orsher.
lecture on infinity
Performed by James Orsher.
A Flourish
Performed by April Guthrie.
lecture on infinity
Performed by The New Century Players.
theme and variatons from a set of pieces with one note
as part of The Music For Six Pianos Concert.
a set of piece with one note
as part of A Concert of One Note Pieces.
Filter III
Performed by Cassia Streb.
as part of The Ceait Festival; Performed by Thadeus Frazier Reed.
Performed by The New Century Players.
Filter I from 2 Filters
as part of The New Music For Winds and Friends Concert; Performed by The Calarts Woodwind Ensemble.
Chromatic Study
as part of The Quiet Night/Quiet Music Concert; Performed by Mark So.
Filter III
Performed by Mark Menzies.
Performed by Thadeus Frazier Reed.
A Meditation For Solo Piano
Performed by Vicki Ray.
The Other Self
At The Center For Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Telot's Crystal
as part of Future Music Oregon.
The Other Self
as part of The 2003 Seamus Conference.
Density Study No. 2
as part of Future Music Oregon.
The Other Self
as part of Future Music Oregon.


09.27.2024: Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik, Klagenfurt
Contextualizing the siren
Complexity, memory, power: on the cultural and societal impact of resonating artistic-research methodologies
09.20.2024: Mozarteum, Salzburg
Contextualizing the siren
Complexity, memory, power: on the cultural and societal impact of resonating artistic-research methodologies
01.23.2024: Chintete @ Cantina La Dominica, CDMX
A brief but not necessarily abbreviated history of the domino problem
09.14.2023: Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, Rīga
A few more thoughts on modulations in harmonic space
09.11.2023: MPLab, Liepajā
Countercoding: a few thoughts about data ethics and music (or... are your algorithms healthy? - part III)
06.24.2023: B-Circle, Berlin
A brief but not necessarily abbreviated history of the domino problem
02.13.2023: Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City (with Alex Bruck)
Workshop on Microtonal Practices (5 sessions)
11.17.2022: Institut für Mikroelektronik Stuttgart
Challenges of Analog Visual Cryptography: a history of the domino problem
10.22.2022: B-Circle, Berlin (with Catherine Lamb)
Total forms and other totalities
05.06.2022: Institute of Sonology @ the Royal Conservatory of The Hague
Countercoding: a few thoughts about data ethics and music (or... are your algorithms healthy? - part II)
04.11.2022: California Institute of the Arts
Countercoding: a few thoughts about data ethics and music (or... are your algorithms healthy? - part I)
11.16.2020: University of California, Santa Cruz
A few things I do
11.03.2020: Simpom 6 @ UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro
A few more thoughts about Leibniz: the prediction of harmonic distance in harmonic space
10.16.2019: ELAK, course for electroacoustic and experimental music @ the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
This is a talk about how things fit together
10.10.2019: Trinity College, London (with Robert Blatt)
This talk has a high chance of failure: performer, score, environment, and listener as algorithmic systems
10.09.2019: Guildhall School of Music, London (with Robert Blatt)
This talk has a high chance of failure: performer, score, environment, and listener as algorithmic systems
10.05.2019: Instituto Internacional en Madrid
This is a talk about how things fit together
03.21.2019: Apotheose Series @ Eckartshaldenweg 7, Stuttgart
Artist conversation (with afterparty at Korridor Bar, Stuttgart with DJ Silent Lover)
03.13.2019: Engaging with Histories Festival @ Rampe, Stuttgart
A prehistory of the domino problem (lecture / performance)
05.09.2018: Haifa University
On modulations in harmonic space
11.11.2017: The Box, Los Angeles
On James Tenney’s Changes for six harps
11.10.2017: California Institute of the Arts
On James Tenney’s Changes for six harps
05.18.2017: Institución Universitaria Bellas Artes, Cartagena
Minimalismo conceptual y la verdad sobre el ruido
05.15.2017: Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin
Minimalismo conceptual y la verdad sobre el ruido
05.11.2017: Fundación Universitaria Bellas Artes Medellín
Un nuevo virtuosidad
05.09.2017: Universidad de los Andes, Bogota
Shape and Structure: a few good ideas on form and detail
04.25.2017: Chawpi Laboratorio, Quito
Minimalismo conceptual y la verdad sobre el ruido
04.20.2017: Universidad de las Artes de Guayaquil
Cuando cosas va diferente: entre el concepto y la realidad
04.10.2017: Sono Centro Cultural de Cuenca
La Guitarra en la Experimentacion Sonora
11.14.2016: Università degli Studi di Torino
Over 300 years ago, Leibniz predicted many current trends in music: a lecture / performance
10.27.2016: Universität der Künste Berlin
From Leibniz to Tenney: on computability, structure, and harmony
10.13.2016: University of Leeds
From Leibniz to Tenney: on computability, structure, and harmony
10.12.2016: University of Huddersfield
Over 300 years ago, Leibniz predicted many current trends in music: a lecture / performance
10.05.2016: Bath Spa University
On the domain of an open work: cardinality, intersection, and computability
On minimal resources, laziness, and style
05.02.2016: Conservatorio de las Rosas, Morelia
On minimal resources, laziness, and style
04.26.2016: CENIDIM - Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico City
Over 300 years ago, Leibniz predicted many current trends in music: a lecture / performance
04.21.2016: Universidad de Guadalajara
Combinatorial optimization and art: from Leibniz to Beckett and beyond
04.18.2016: California Institute of the Arts
On minimal resources, laziness, and style
02.10.2016: University of California Santa Cruz
On minimal resources, laziness, and style
11.04.2015: Computer Music Hangout at the Public School, Los Angeles
Graph theory, harmonic space, and combinatorics
10.28.2015: University of Southern California
On James Tenney’s Changes for six harps
10.15.2015: California Institute of the Arts
A few ways to get from one thing to the next
10.01.2015: Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, Mexico City
Noise in the system: reading Claude Shannon
12.01.2014: Conservatorio de Las Rosas, Morelia
New music for guitars
08.01.2014: Universidad de Buenos Aires
Algorithmic Information Theory, Metabiology, Music
08.01.2014: Universidad de Chile, Santiago
Algorithmic Information Theory, Metabiology, Music
07.01.2014: Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Algorithmic Information Theory, Metabiology, Music
05.15.2014: Universidade de São Paulo
Shape and Structure: a few good ideas on form and detail
05.01.2014: Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná
On community and radicality: a personal survey of dangerous artists and art movements
02.01.2014: University of California, Santa Cruz
Several extremely simple ideas
01.01.2014: University of California, Santa Barbara
Adapting and applying digital signal processing techniques to high-level music information
07.01.2013: Workshop for Algorithmic Computer Music at University of California, Santa Cruz
A few thoughts on musical structure
James Tenney's computer music
05.01.2013: Dartmouth College
Where do you get your data from?
The computer in my life
11.01.2011: Wesleyan University
My software thinks your software is beautiful: a few words about metabiology, beauty and music
10.01.2011: University of California, Santa Cruz
A few words on elegance, creativity and beauty
04.01.2011: Dartmouth College
On James Tenney’s Changes for six harps
Three Ideas: 1) sometimes I steal, sometimes I don’t, and sometimes I think I am not stealing but actually am; 2) some thoughts on generalizing graphs and mathematical problems from musical ideas; 3) music, structural metrics and algorithmic information theory
01.01.2011: IRCAM, Paris
On generalizing graphs and mathematical problems from musical ideas
04.01.2009: California Institute of the Arts
Structural metrics
02.01.2008: Columbia University
On James Tenney’s Arbor Vitae for string quartet
12.01.2006: State University of New York, Buffalo
Lecture on the machine and music
08.01.2005: State University of New York, Binghamton
Lecture on infinity