Meta+phenomenology I: a taxonomy of learning experiences
with Abrahão, F. forthcoming.
A simplicity bubble problem in formal-theoretic learning systems
with Abrahão, F., Zenil, H., Porto, F., Wehmuth, K. and D'Ottaviano, I. forthcoming.
A simplicity bubble problem and zemblanity in digitally intermediated societies
with Abrahão, F., Cavassane, R., Rodrigues, M. and D'Ottaviano, I. Model-Based Reasoning, Abductive Cognition, Creativity. Springer Nature Switzerland. 2024.
Evolving curricula: reflections on The Quarantine Seminars
with Dantas, P. Unbounded Press. 2020.
Meta+phenomenology: primer towards a phenomenology formally based on algorithmic information theory and metabiology
Unravelling Complexity: Life and Work of Gregory Chaitin. editors Doria, F. and Wuppuluri, S. World Scientific. 2020.
Liner notes to the album the yggdrasil-soli by Ulrich Krieger
Winds Measures Recordings. 2020.
A few more thoughts about Leibniz: the prediction of harmonic distance in harmonic space (with text to preliminary thoughts)
MusMat: Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics. volume 3. 2019.
steady state: a study in taxation
nY. editors Vriezen, S. volume 38. 2019.
liner notes to the album Changes by James Tenney
with Polansky, L. New World Records. 2019.
On minimal change musical morphologies
The Musical-Mathematical Mind. editors Pareyon, G., Pina-Romero, S., Agustin-Aquino, O.A., and Lluis-Puebla, E. Springer. 2017.
Liner notes to the album Three Pieces for Two Pianos by Larry Polansky
New World Records. 2016.
From Scratch: Writings in Music Theory
Tenney, J. editors Polansky, L., Pratt, L., Wannamaker, R., and Winter, M. University of Illinois Press. 2015.
Approximating Omega
Carbono (online). volume 7. 2014.
Chordal and timbral morphologies using Hamiltonian cycles
with Akhmedov, A. Journal of Mathematics and Music. volume 8. 2014.
Relativity and scalability with respect to sound and silence
Word Events: Perspectives on Verbal Notation. editors Lely, J. and Saunders, M. Bloomsbury. 2012.
A few more words about James Tenney: dissonant counterpoint and statistical feedback
with Polansky, L. and Barnett, A. Journal of Mathematics and Music. volume 5. 2011.
Notes on a new economics for a new music
Experimental Music Yearbook (online). volume 2. 2010.
LiveScore: real–time notation in the music of Harris Wulfson
with Barrett, G.D. Contemporary Music Review. volume 29. 2010.
Structural Metrics: an epistemology
Dissertation. 2010.
James Tenney: Selected Works 1961–1969 (review)
Journal of the Society for American Music. volume 4. 2010.
James Tenney biographical entry
with Hanson, S., Streb, C., and Polansky, L. Grove Dictionary of American Music. Oxford University Press. 2009.
On James Tenney's Arbor Vitae for string quartet
Contemporary Music Review. volume 27. 2008.
Mavericks on mavericks: James Tenney’s last courses at CalArts
MusikTexte. volume 112. 2007.
Automatic Notation Generators
with Barrett, G.D. and Wulfson, H. Proceedings of the 7th International NIME Conference. 2007.